28 Cassettebots: Snuggling

Feb 03, 2011 00:11

Title: 28 Cassttebots: Snuggling
Universe: Bayverse, Species Imperative AU
Rating: G
Characters: Ramhorn, Steeljaw
Warnings: none
Notes: for flybystardancer’s claim on my 28 Autobot Cassettes challenge. I thought it would be longer, but apparently it didn’t want to be.

At first, it was just Ramhorn lying in the patch of sunlight streaming through an open window in the base’s rec center. He reminded them of a cat, the way he sprawled out and soaked up the sunlight and more than one NEST soldier took a picture of the amusing sight and sent it to a friend or two on base.

As a result, it wasn’t at all surprising when Steeljaw came slinking into the room to see what all the fuss was about. By that part of the day, though, the sun was no longer streaming the window at quiet the same angle and Ramhorn was twitching a bit at having his warmth removed. When he realized his brother was uncomfortable, the felinoid symbiote moved to Ramhorn’s side and draped himself across the other’s bristly form.

Ramhorn unshuttered one optic enough to look at his younger brother, then gave a contented huff and settled back into his interrupted nap. Steeljaw echoed the sound a moment later and did the same.

Once both symbiotes were settled in, the picture taking resumed with great enthusiasm.

rated g, fan fic: fluff, steeljaw, poster: eerian_sadow, fan fic: family, ramhorn

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