So a lot has happened since I have last written.
Last weekend was the most enjoyable weekend ever. Each day consisted of illegal acts of mood altering fun. And on Saturday night, just when I thought that I wasn't going to do anything fun, Ryan took me to see Mission Impossible 3 and then he surprisenly stayed until like 4 a.m. and well, he got me very drunk. It took a total of 4 1/4 beers... he kept bribing me for more but at least he knew when to stop. I know that he probably did it just so he could have bragging rights to getting "an innocent Catholic School girl" shitfaced. I said some stuff that I sorta regret now but oh well.
Then on Sunday he came over at night again. We both had two beers, and let me tell you, the sex was the best its ever been. My dad sorta walked in but Ryan had time to hide behind the door and I just covered up with blankets. It was an odd moment but oh well. :)
Ryan did tell me something which I'd much rather not know. He said that he sometimes thinks about having sex with two of my friends, Bev and Sam. Now, Sam... I can maybe understand (even though I wish he didnt admit it) but Bev???? No way
Bev is sooooooo annoying and pretty much everyone hates her (yes, even her friends) and she is so skinny but not in a good way. She has always been skinny and eats all she wants but she is also ugly and pale. Many people say they she looks like a skeleton (granting her the name Skeletor) and she always sniffles her nose like she has to blow it and she is downright annoying. I'm not saying she is an awful person but she needs to chill and grow up a little.
So I further questioned Ryan a bit and he says its cause she has a "breakable" quality. FUCKIN CHINA DOLL!
Why cant I look that skinny?
I at least have the looks to go with it.
What angers me even more is that we weigh about the same But I am so damn short that it doesnt matter.
Fine Ryan, I'll give you your breakable doll, all in good time.
Well tomorrow I think that I am signed up to donate blood.
Everytime my school does this Bev always has to brag..." ooo00o I wish I could give blood, but it says you have to be at least 110 pounds! Am I that wieght yet? I dunno I wish I could give blood though..."
You think that she would get sick of people telling her that she is skinny and people accusing her of having an ED but nope, she adores the attention.
Its not like her being skinny is anything new, she has dealt with it all her life. She has never had to obtain such thinness while Anas and Mias struggle every day. Only we deserve the reward that she has wasted.
Well anyways, I now weigh 107 but I'm still going to try to give blood. I doubt it will go so well because I havent eaten in a few days.
two more pounds to go until I meet my ideal prom weight ( I have until friday)
I had to take a considerable amount of fabric off of the gown that I am making. I guess I cant complain even though it made much more work for me.
This weekend has turned into a bust. Joe is out partying and wont answer his phone when I call and Ryan is probably drinking or nursing a hangover. I spent Thursday at PACE party (eating) Friday at Julies B-day party (eating) and satuarday at the mall with Sam and Hannah (not eating even though they wanted me to... skinny pretty people :( ) Despite my 2 days of partying, I managed to stay at 109 but I've dropped 2 of those pounds and aiming for 2 more.