Mexico is much farther ahead of the U.S. now when it comes to these simple civil rights of marraige and adoption for same sex couples. The Supreme Court of Mexico just ruled that same-sex marraige, which is legal in Mexico City MUST be recognized by every other state in the country. So, even if same-sex couples can't marry in their home city or
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Is it good to force private citizens to accept a gay couple for (say) insurance purposes, against popular belief about the meaning of marriage? The policy you described would mean that if Mexico City legalized slavery, you'd have to help enforce the city's fugitive slave law. Or, if Mexico City legalized cocaine, you'd have to accept drug dealers in your city.
Same-sex marraige is about civil rights. You can't compare it to slavery which goes against civil rights or legalizing drugs which is something else altogether and would actually take power away from drug dealers. It IS good to foce private citizens to accept that every person have the same civil rights and not be discriminated against. Much of the beliefs and meaning of marraige in come from religious organizations, and they have no business being in government. Another good thing about Mexico is that they really DO keep the church and the state separate, whereas in the US people have forgotten the meaning of separation of church and state.
So this doesn't mean that drugs could become legalized nationwide just because one state chooses to. As of slavery, I really doubt it will ever happen because slavery was never allowed in Mexico.
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