1) It's smack dab in the middle of its beta - and due to its length, that's saying a lot.
I am horrible at estimating anything. It's now 39,731 words, which is still a novella. If it were SciFi and another 269 words it would be classified a novel. It's not, and it's not.
3) My mom went into the hospital on the other side of the country over the weekend, which has slowed down the finishing up process - my beta is my wife, and... the situation has been distracting to say the least.
4) I am very happy with the novella, which is titled: Plausible Deniability.
5) This list is in no discernably logical order.
6) Because
lherelenfeline has been so patient, I have a surprise for him, which will be given at the time of posting. I am crossing all fingers and toes that'll be at the end of this week. And, NO, it's not the novella. In all honesty, the surprise has always been in the works, whether or not he was a patient prince among men. If Plausible Deniability is not quite ready for posting by Saturday, I'll give the surprise gift anyway.
7) During beta, I've been creating graphics, and wandering through my collection of screen cap photos.......