I'm smiling & still flying high

Apr 13, 2008 11:42

Hey Everyone!  Is it a beautiful Sunday for you as I have here?  Gosh, I love the spring time.  It's still a bit chilly, but warm enough that I was able to work in my garden yesterday in just a t-shirt.  I'm a bit sore, but it is worth it, I just love it!

I'm still bouncing too from Friday, but first I'll give you a mercifully short update on my week.

I'm still duking it out with Contracting over our contracts; stuck between Headquarters new policy and fiscal law...erm, or rather a rock and a hard place. Lol  But I held my own as I emailed in a flurry of debate with Commanders and Contracting Officers. ;)  Nuff said about that. lol Oh, and my boss left early for his class and in the process, dumped the only two taskings I've managed to pass on to him in the last two months right back into my lap...half finished and done incorrectly in the first place.  So, I'll be scrambling next week to meet several suspenses. *thud*

Now on to Friday which was the most awesome day that I've had in ages!  I think I mentioned before that my Hubby's unit was going to have a 'Spouses Orientation Day' where they take us on a tour of the Squadrons and introduce to us in detail exactly what our active duty spouses do.  This way, they feel we will be more supportive and accepting of the sacrifices that we have to make day in and day out.  But the best part of all, we got to go up in one of the five aircraft that they maintain and use for training!

It began with a 30 minute pre-brief to explain to us what will happen, what not to touch, how long, to where and a few words on what to do in the event that we felt airsick.   Then they handed us ear plugs and goggles to wear and marched us out through the hanger and onto the flight line.

The aircraft that I chose is called a CV-22 Osprey.  It is a combination, airplane and helicopter that is used for Search and Rescue of the combat troops on the ground.  It had a bit of a rocky start in development.  My Hubby showed concern that I chose it and explained, "They had over 30 deaths in test and development!".  I reminded him that there have been no deaths in the several years it has been used here in New Mexico and I would be in far greater danger, just driving my car in on the freeway. LOL!  He wholeheartedly agreed. ;)  Here is a piccie of it...

We took off, heading east across the city to the mountains and to my delight, they left the hatch open at the back so we could see out.  I was just two seats away and I was so amazed at how spring-green everything was this early in the year!  It is such a beautiful sight to see in this high desert.  We then skirted the foothills towards the north.  I can't explain the beauty of our mountains.  Majestic, raw, immense...are the only words I can come up with.  *sigh*  We then turned west to fly over the tiny little village of Bernalillo and beyond the vast growing and ever popular suberb of Rio Rancho. (It was named the 2007 most desired new city to live in for the US!)  We then turned south and flew over the plateaus (known around here by the Spanish name; mesas) and volcanos that run along the western horizen of our city.  It was over this part that my turn came to put on the waist harness and crawl out onto the ramp for an even more awesome view!  OMGosh! I was squeeing under my breath the whole time!  It was absolutely incredible!  And I kept thinking, "SQUEEE I wish Laur was here with me...she would LOVE this!" LOL!

Anyway, the day ended with a scrumptious BBQ and a rose for each of us!  It was so amazing, the whole day!  If I had it all to do over...sigh...I'd rather a job doing something like that.  lol

Well, it's back out to the garden for me.  I've mulch to spread and a bit of pruning to do.  Happy Sunday everyone!
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