We are about to go to Paris for 5 days. I can't quite believe we got our act together to book a holiday. We kept talking about Cassis in the south of France (our favorite destination), but knew we couldn't really afford it this year, and then we thought of just going somewhere on the English coast, but the weather has been so depressing that finally we settled on Paris. Just being in France, anywhere in France, makes you feel like you're on holiday. We found cheap Eurostar tickets and not-so-cheap accommodation; we're using
this website again and staying in
this apartment. Self-catering is fabulous - I find it a huge pleasure just to wander around French supermarkets rediscovering foods I love and haven't tasted for ages, like yogurt in exotic flavors, and little yellow plums, and big cartons of lamb's lettuce (la mache). Also, these flats all have TV and DVD player and computer with internet - yay!
This will be our third Paris trip with Charlie. We went when he was under a year old (that was the first time he got sick, ever - I remember being vomited on in the Eurostar) and when he was 2. This time should be a lot easier. For the first time he is old enough to look forward to the idea of going on holiday - he is not very clear on what happens when one goes on holiday, but he knows that it involves "NO NURSERY! ICECREAM!"
Still, it would be nice if it didn't rain the whole time. I am so tired of the rain. I am feeling really stressed right now because of all the work I meant to finish before we left and haven't finished. In fact, I should be working right now.
In other news, I put in loads of extra hours at my internet job last month, in order to earn some holiday funds, so yay. The bad news is that I gained almost half a stone. It took me quite awhile to put these two developments together. I couldn't figure out why, when I had started running again, I was GAINING weight. Gaining weight when you start to do exercise is normal - you are replacing fat with muscle - but gaining weight in such a way that all your clothes feel too tight is not normal. It then dawned on me that in order to mitigate the mind-numbing repetitiveness of the work, I was sitting at the computer every night consuming cheese and biscuits and crisps like mad. Apparently consuming 1000 extra calories every evening after midnight will make one gain weight. Who knew. (M has long been joking that we have to deduct all the extra food and drink I consume while working on that job from my gross profits.) At least I have solved that mystery. Damn. No worries, of course, because I am about to GO TO PARIS for 5 days and lose loads of weight there. Absolutely.