May 20, 2007 14:09
I have been too emotional for my own good. My period is late (OH but I know is is coming.) Ugh. I started to cry this morning because I thought Doug was being too "diplomatic" with me. I did not tell him that. ;)
Yesterday I biked ten miles with Anna and Tommy and then I played with kitties (Blanket Wentworth and Quilt) and watched the Simpsons.
Today I woke up and smoked a cigarette and drank a beer. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Classy.
And the plan is to go to Upper Creek Falls with Josh Thane and Doug this afternoon but... gasp... no one can get in touch with the Blaney.
Mmm - I have been lonely at the house too. Katelyn is out of town until later today and Taylor has been at work a lot. Last night she went on a "mission" and I want to find out what happened!! But it would not be appropriate to ask her while she is at work. No, no.
And I'm on the 4th book of Harry Potter so far and it is stupid and I want to skip it. I feel like nothing will come as a surprise to me in this one because I already know the story so well. But also, most of the books are very boring until the last quarter of the book and then you get sucked in and you finish the book feeling awesome. And then you start the next one and it just sucks until you get to the end. And it is some never-ending (actually, six-volume) cycle that jerks you around and makes you buy seven $20 books because JK Rowling is way smarter than you! But I think I'll just perservere and finish this book. I would feel like I am cheating and I can't have that.
harry potter,