I should point out that if you want to donate

Oct 13, 2008 20:56

to various political campaigns, it's getting close to the point beyond which donations won't make much, if any, difference. Daily Kos has been especially good about drawing attention to races which deserve it, as has MyDD. I know in economically tough times (although the Dow jumped 900 points today, a record, though who knows whether it'll stay there) donating to a political campaign often seems like the last thing on anyone's minds, but on the other hand you can bet corporate interests who have nothing in common with you are going to do their best to funnel in as much cash as they can, as well. Part of the reason politics have been shifting to the left is because the Internet has made people increasingly able to find candidates who are worthy of their cash directly and fund them, and having a filibuster-proof majority (60 seats) in the Senate would be especially nice; a few small campaign donations could make the difference between, for example, having guaranteed health care for all Americans and not, or reforming America's tremendously regressive tax code and not. Seeing as the President needs the approval of Congress to enact legislation, these races are important and could make the difference between whether America gets a new New Deal or languishes in the same "bipartisan" clusterfuck that has resulted in Congress doing nothing the past two years (remember, Grover Norquist referred to bipartisanship as date rape). I've donated around $75 over the last year myself, and will probably be donating a bit more this weekend. If you can't spare the cash, obviously don't worry about it, but if you can, it's the sort of investment that could come back to help you in a big way if it helps get people elected who can help enact progressive legislation.
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