(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 00:40

The Good News: I did, in face, pass chemsitry. Probably the lowest pass in the history of the school, but I do not have to retake 5.112. Woot. My aunt is here until Xmas day, at which point she will go to stay with my other aunt until going back to New York. Today Dad and I went out to get presents for my Mom for the annual tribute to the nation's economy. Despite not knowing whet to get her, he and I managed to come up with a rather extensive list of useful and needed items to wrap. The real gift will be if he actuall does the repairs that she wants done. I hestitate to attach any religious significance whatsoever to our spree, as for us it's more of an excuse to be extravagent and be with family while doing it.

Speaking of which, here's the bad news: guess where I get to be during half of my vacation? That's right! My favorite place in the entire world, Greencastle, PA. Because we need to spend time with all of our family, even the ones you heartily wish would drop off the face of the earth (the feeling here is mutual, lest I shock anyone with something as horrid as hate during this season.) AND we must of course spend time with our furry family member, Cassie. I love Cassie very much. She does not enjoy extended car rides. Neither do I, and when she's unhappy and restless and generally misrable, the 8 hour drive becomes slightly unbearable, as she sits either next to me or on top of me, but rarely in the back on her cushion where she is supposed to. I'd offer to stay behind and watch her, but a) Leaving a blood relative behind on a visit so that my paternal relatives see part of their family (the part they don't particularly like) is somewhat dumb and b) that would mean that Mom would be left alone with them, something I don't want on my concience, as there would be bloodshed on the part of someone or another. Me, they leave alone. Her, they bait. It really is sad.

This joyful expedition falls right when the organization for the soon-to-be-infamous LS G ski trip will take place. Important things, such as time and place of departure, placement in vehicles, and thoughs on what to bring will be discussed. Mainly either online or face to face. Unfortunately, the latter is impossible, as, to paraphrase, even the 'Tvte does not regularly teach freshman bilocation. (For one thing, it would probably violate quite a few laws they spent a semester trying to cram into our heads) Equally, or perhaps more disasterously, the place to which I am so eagerly travelling is in the middle of southern Pennsylvania. Near no large metropoli, or even industrial centers. Pig farms, yes. Places wired for the internet, no. Not even dial-up. This presents an issue in communication, as I'm quite sure that cell phone connection is spotty, due to the allegheny mountains. I could be wrong, though. Biloxi had great reception.

So, yeah. For decision making and opinion giving I am screwed. Equally bad is that not only can I not help make the descision, no one will be able to tell me the final plans either. My parents aren't the most comfortable with this trip, to tell the absolute unvarnished truth. In fact, they don't want me to go at all, and would insist upon guilting me about it at every turn. The lack of plans until nearly the last second is not helping the situation.

I'm hoping we can find a borders or a starbucks with wireless. I will die without the communication home between pressure from the rents and the overall oppressive nature of the visit inanof itself. And, what seems like the most petty reason there is for my not wanting to return to the bosom of my father's family's home, is that time I spend getting there and back, and the time actually spent there, cuts into the time I have to hang out with my friends. And yes, as a matter of course, I do care more about them than my paternally related relatives.

Mom and I are praying for a blanketing snowstorm on the day of our departure. A really, really bad one. That would make it near impossible to drive down to PA. Wouldn't that be nice?

family, ski trip

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