I am craving Burger King so much right now it's not funny. I guess it's consolation for not being able to go out with friends tonight. I think I'm coming down with a fever. Must be all that stress brought in by the new assignment at work and other things... I do QCing for one of the voice accounts now and it's a lot of work. XD; I experienced going home so late again this week, so I'm so happy work wasn't so hard or so stressful today. I got things done quickly enough.
PC is still not working well. It hangs even without the 160GB harddisk. The person who's supposed to be working on it seems to be hiding from me. =_= Go figure. I'll track him down.
Got sucked into
gakuenaph_dr . XD; I play Gilbo and Antonio (Spain) over there. It's fun. And addicting. Ahahahaha. Haven't been active over at
futsunoseikatsu lately. Between my computer woes and other stuff, I just haven't been able to find the energy and inspiration to post. Plus so many people seem to have dropped out...
Christmas and my birthday is coming up. Still have no concrete plans for both. The Troika Christmas planning is not happening... I also need to get gifts I guess. I want to write up my Christmas Wish List. XD HOHOHOHO! It's that time of the year again, peeps! Holiday Greed is fashionable! Yes it is!
What else...
I'm really missing one of my old friends right now. She hasn't talked to us in over a month because of something... I miss her. I really miss her a lot. We used to talk all the time. It'd make my Christmas if we're able to talk and stuff again... We can't really act like nothing happened right now, but at least... I just miss her.