"But I AM the Chosen One."

Jul 17, 2009 21:36

I just came back from watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a few hours ago. I took a bath because I got wet on the trip home. We've been having crazy rains these past few days and it was actually fine earlier today, then the rain and wind just decided to go WHOOSH as I was walking home along Vito Cruz. I lost my mom's umbrella and commuting with four boxes of World Chicken takeout was hard, but I didn't really mind my trip home. Waiting to get into the MRT sucked because of the long lines, but aside from that it was okay. At least it wasn't as crowded. I also felt so invigorated after watching the movie for some reason so I didn't really care much about the weather and transportation conditions when I went home.

Half-Blood Prince is the sixth in the series of movies that make up the Harry Potter series of movies. It's really become apparent that the war is on, and it's not just affecting the Wizarding World. In the movie, we also get to see Harry Potter and co. actually act like normal teenagers. Well yes, we get to see that in the other movies, but not as apparent in this one. It's actually quite amusing. XD

Anyway. Just some comments and observations. SPOILERS AHEAD.

1. Harry's pimpin'! XDD I actually don't remember Harry being that receptive around girls, but that first scene with him and the girl in the eatery was so... Weird. XD; I also don't remember Harry being this happy during the sixth book, but then it's been years since I last read it. I should check it out sometime.

2. I miss the Tom Riddle from Chamber of Secrets. Whatever happened to him? The guy they used for the teenage Tom Riddle is... creepy and effeminate. XD; Not that I have any problem with his portrayal as it's probably spot on, Voldemort having this snake-like quality to him that would probably justify his portrayal, but I can't help but miss the other Tom Riddle. He was hot too. XD LOL

3. Narcissa Malfoy was not what I expected. I expected her to look younger, actually, but then I guess if she's around Lucius' age, then it's okay. Women tend to look older than men even if they are the same age for some strange reason.

4. Slughorn was perfect. I particularly liked how he sneaked around to get valuable things for "academic purposes". He's such a sneaky fellow. XD;

5. Ah teenage hormones. They're more rampant in this installment. Ginny's getting some action and it's bothering Harry. Ron gets his first girlfriend, the girly and annoying Lavender Brown, and it affects Hermione in ways that's just so sad and yet also amusing to watch. I love all the teeny moments, particularly when Hermione cried over Ron and Lavender. Well, teeny moments that involved the triangle of Ron, Hermione, and Lavender anyway. I didn't care much for Harry and Ginny. For the record, it didn't even seem like they got together in the first place in the movie. They just had some fluff moments and that was it.

6. I love how they maintained some trademark stuff for the side characters. Of course Luna is still as weird as ever, but it's always a treat when she comes onscreen. I love her dreamy voice and her weird lines. X3 Then there's Seamus and stuff exploding in his face, while Dean laughs at him from the side. It's just sad that they didn't get as much screen time this time. And what about Neville? And the twins! ("How much is this?" "Five galleons." "It's me." "Five galleons." "I'm your brother." "Ten galleons.") More side characters I say!

7. Ron and Hermione need more screen time too, though they had their moments in this movie. Hermione's was her ranting and lecturing in the library, where she smacks Harry for saying my favorite line, "But I AM the Chosen One." (Buffy is that you?? XD) Poor Ron accidentally ate love potion-glazed chocolates and turned into a lovesick idiot. He was so funny. XD; "These bloody girls are going to kill me." And then he got poisoned. o.o Poor Won Won.

8. Speaking of Won Won, Ron was awesome at Quidditch. XD Who'd have thought he could move like that? Plus, his thing with Lavender was painful and amusing to watch. XD;

9. And the slimy guy who goes after Hermione? I can't remember him. Plus he's annoying as hell. Boys like that should be shot. Repeatedly. In the nuts.

10. So Dumbledore dies. It's not new news, but still. It had its shock factor and his death is such an awesome plot device. Awesome, awesome.

11. And my beloved Draco Malfoy. You really showed them, your torment, your struggle, your fear. You had such potential to become a hero, as so many fanfics had portrayed so many times, but J.K. decided that you're just not the hero type. You're weak and scared and so real that in the end I'm not ashamed of you. You had to do what you had to do. It wasn't the best course of action and you could have showed them that you were made of sterner stuff, but you didn't, and that's okay. You've proven that you're the complete opposite of Harry Potter and a Slytherin to the core. I had such bright hopes for you, but in the end, I would just have to accept you for how you really are.

And I think I'll be watching Harry Potter again tomorrow with Char and Bom. Hehe, at least this time I'll be able to focus more on the dialogue and stuff. Plus it'd be more fun to watch with other people. ^^

I was actually disappointed that they didn't show the New Moon trailer. XD I would have liked to see people's reaction. Maybe tomorrow. They showed a trailer of Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes though and it's making me very excited about the film.

Movies~ >w

movie, harry potter

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