Aug 20, 2008 17:52

Check out epic_crack_ftw and watch the EPIC ADVENTURES OF PRINCESS KADAJ AND FRIENDS!!! XDD

Yes, yes, yes. We've gone nuts and started a probably-epic fantasy RP involving some Rizu characters. It takes place in a still unnamed place where Princess Kadaj (XDDD;) has been captured by God (Haruhi) because of this jewel around his/her/it's neck and now, a crazy group of ninjas, vampires, mafioso, and a host of other characters are going to come and rescue said monarch!!

It's nuts and Yaten's a vampire, Renji's a ninja, and Kyouya's a mafioso. Yes, we've all gone the deep end. I'm still sniggering about this and how I can already see Yaten as a Kadaj-hime decoy when they go and bust him/her/it out of the castle where said monarch is being held up against said monarch's will. XDD

Don't ask me how this'd end. I have no idea either. I'll probably write stuff about it though. XD;


Disclaimer: Please pardon Crissy as she is only running on 10% brain power due to mindless researching and encoding for about ten hours now. Yay.

yaten, renji, rizumikaru yomi, kyouya

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