And we finally sort the time thing

Jul 11, 2011 16:52

 So the husband is back on the night shift.  This makes him happy and better suits our internal clocks.  Given that I finally dug out a watch to wear and set it in a way that reflects "house time", or the way we live around here.


Take the current pacific coast time, Currently Pacific Daylight Savings, and subtract six hours.  Subtract seven from SOI time.

This means that if you're starting game at 1800 SOI it's 8pm for all you East Coasters, and noon for me, which works just fine now.

Do not go looking for the correct time zone for our house.  If you subtract six from the pacific coast time you go over the International Date line and end up in tomorrow.  Whereas I'm still in today since it's always today until you go to bed.

Hey, it works for us.

It also means I have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 4am.    Some things are just destined to suck.
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