Aug 15, 2008 13:18
Going to Helsinki was a dream fullfilled and being in Helsinki was like a dream was well.
I always thought that this city is interesting and beautiful - but when I got there I felt like I knew nothing.
I made a few city-journeys before, but none was like this.
Im really in love with that city, with its parks and churches and little Islands in the sea and its inhabitants.
Me and my sister got there on Friday the 18. July and the first thing we did after checking into the hotels was getting to next tram and driving down to the Kauppatori, the market.
its at the port and we got there I felt like I was in Italy. It was really amazing.
that day and the next we explored the city after different themes, like curches, parks....that tour guide books we had were pretty helpful.
already on the first day we fell in love - with the cathedral. yes I know it doesnt sound that exciting, but really you have to see it. Its on a step-up and you can see it almost from everywhere in the city. many people it on the stairs before it and chat, play or read and thats the next thing that amazed it. and we could resist and did the same.
we also went to Suommenlinna, which we loved, to Saurasaari and Korkeasaari where the Zoo is. I love boattrips.
and we were swimming in the sea. I havent been on a beach for years, it was amazing. The sand had the pefect temperature, not to hot and not cold. just warm and nice.
Wanna go there again, maybe travel the country a little and also visit Lahti and Tampere.
holiday & trips