(no subject)

May 28, 2007 23:28

lets talk about how media entertainment has single handedly (or rather many-handedly...) ruined love and relationships for the human race. dont scoff, this is true. it is almost impossible for sane, intelligent people (of which there are few) to be fully satisfied in a romantic relationship. we have, engrained in our little brains, the idea that something like The Notebook or When Harry Met Sally is going to happen.

well. its not.

isnt that a kicker.

i'm currently practicing being a committed person. i think its going well so far.

this morning i had one of THOSE self-pitying moods...you know the one where you wake up and go 'God! I'm fat, I'm ugly, my clothes suck!.....I'll go buy new ones....fuck..i have no money..god, why dont i have any money..oh right, because my job sucks and i'm underpaid....i need my eyebrows waxed, my hair cut and I'm a complete mess!"

...yep. that was my morning. the humorous thing is that i knew i was being completely meloDRAMAtic and silly...but did that stop me? of course not, proof once again that i am indeed a girl.

i need new music too. and i ran out of books to read.

i'm going to be in buffalo next week. tuesday night to saturday morning.

when is erin getting home with my wine????
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