paris pictures...finally

Nov 29, 2006 14:21 update.

things have been going well. i stressed out a bit about school a week ago. but that is taken care of.

last weekend was thanksgiving. this, i spent in Venice, Italy in a nice hotel by myself. it was very pleasing. i had the best espresso of my life. seriously, italian coffee is a life changing experience. wow.

i leave london in a little less than three weeks. needless to say..i'm bummed. i'm going to miss my friends here a lot. especially phil and emily.

hopefully when i get home though, i'll be signing a lease on a new apartment. cesar and katie haven't found any winners yet. this is exactly why i have a back-up living situation. yay for adam wolverton and his condo!

despite the fact that i am completely in love with london...i miss chicago, buffalo and friends that i lovingly have sprinkled across the US.

i've become a regular at a bar called The Volunteer, which is where we went for my birthday. great pub. has like a Hardware, Allen St. crowd. good stuff. the bartenders are my buddies and i love them.......especially the really attractive one named dan.

so pictures.....please refer below.

the eiffel tower....clearly.

from underneath.

me and jen...getting ready to go to the top.

the best photo i've taken thus far in my life.

yay for the very top of the eiffel tower!

sexodrome. yes.....a 3 floor sex shop near our hostel.

the louvre.

me and the louvre.

me being a statue.

jen being a statue.

the spaceship a the renault car dealership. yep. a spaceship.

the renault car dealership. this is how paris sells cars.....i like.

huge louis vuitton store. ick. dont like.

the l'arc de truimphe.

my view from the top of the l'arc de triumphe.

inside the louvre. (that tube in the middle of the staircase is an elevator. it goes up and down and you stand on the cool!

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