Writing, Doctor Who, and Writing Doctor Who

Oct 07, 2010 21:00

Hello Friends! I just tried posting this like twenty times, because LJ decided that html wasn't a valid language. *mutters*

As you might have noticed, I posted one of the fics I wrote for the Whoverse LAS. It's Doctor/Rose centric, because I <3 my OTP so frickin' badly. I cross-posted it to a bunch of Handy/Rose communities and, despite the fact that no one will notice my post there, to Time_and Chips, which has got to be full of the most cliquey Who fans I've ever met. :/

Anyways, just a word of warning that I'll be posting the rest of my stories on my own journal. So if you see a sudden influx of posts from me, that will be why. Please feel free to read them and leave comments. *hint hint* :D

I'm kinda bummed that I won't be able to cross-post most of the rest of my stories. They're all based on characters/relationships that either don't have communities, or I'm not a member of. I'm thinking I might join the Martha/Jack comm, because I know not many people like this crack!ship and it would be nice to have some support and solidarity with other Mack fans. Then I could cross-post my Martha story, which was one of my favourites that I wrote for the contest.

BTW, does anybody know of a good Gilmore Girls comm? I could cross-post my GG fiction there. Also I need icons for that show, even though I don't have frickin' room for them right now. Gah! I wish I worked more than two days a week so I could afford an icon package.

If you're wondering about my desire to cross-post everything, let me explain: I'm a writer. I crave validation, even if it's something like, "Yeah, I read your story, and I hated it." Antagonism is better than apathy, in my opinion. I'd rather hear why someone doesn't like my work than not get any responses at all.

In other writing news, the av_confidential will be looking for writers for series two very shortly. I'm the Supertemp! over there, so I'll be in charge of keeping track of all the potential writers. If you're interested in contributing, tell me, and I'll let you know when the sign-up post goes up. :)

Lastly, I'm in the finals of the Gilmore Girls LAS. We haven't had many voters in the past, so we'd appreciate it if you could read and vote on your favourite story. Thanks!

gilmore girls, doctor/rose, doctor who, fanfiction

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