My kids have done or said several amusing things lately, which I was going to recount here, but I can't remember them at this moment. Sigh. Of course, that's why I need to write them down!
The trees have been blooming here, for over a week. The city encourages the planting of Bradford pear trees as street trees. This type of tree puts out sweet-smelling white flowers every spring, and we've been enjoying them the last several days. There are also other types of tree that have been showing pink flowers - at least four different varieties. The past couple days have been hard on the blossoms, though. After nearly two weeks of spring, summer arrived on Wednesday. Our high temperature was 85 that day, 88 Thursday and Friday. The blossoms started to brown just a bit, and I figured the follow-up "snow showers" that line the curbs with masses of soft white petals were upon us. Then the weather changed. Today the temperatures have been in the 40s and we've had wind and light rain. I expect that, instead of fluffy whiteness, by morning we'll have soggy white mess. :(
We played Star Wars last night. We still use the d6 system, because the GM was just never happy with the d20 version, and because the players with Jedi characters really love rolling all those dice when they use Force points to double their attacks. Last night's scenario included cool historical information about the Jedi order for us to gather, but somehow no one was rolling right to put everything together. The GM was checking for a character with the "Jedi Lore" skill:
"Read me all your Knowledge skills."
"I have Planetary Systems... I can't read the next one... Alien Sheep?"
Most of the group got a brief chuckle out of that and moved on, but I was sitting in my corner with my hand clamped over my mouth because I was laughing hysterically at the thought of this sober Jedi having "knowledge" of alien sheep. The friend next to me evidently thought I'd lost it, based on her facial expression, but my ex-military husband appreciated the humor in the misstatement when I recounted it to him today.