Letter from Mariupol

Sep 15, 2014 21:55

An interesting article on the topic of the situation in Mariupol in the factories that are owned by Akhmetov-the-oligarch.

Letter from Mariupol.

The real situation in the city and on the factories owned by Rinat Akhmetov

I would like to openly state something that they are strongly trying to cover up in the media and on the Internet. Right now the Ukie media are fiercely propagandizing the city of Mariupol as a pro-Ukie city. They state that the residents are afraid and that they want to live only in the United Ruin. This is not the case. This is not the case at all.
Akhmetov R.L. deserves major thanks for the city becoming 90 percent pro-Russian. His personnel policy on the major enterprises of the city did everything to make the people hate the oligarch and his servants with all their hearts. "What did Akhmetov do?", you may ask. I will tell you.

Earlier people associated a factory with stability and confidence in tomorrow. Over the last three years, Akhmetov's lackeys destroyed this confidence. A director with a truly Ukrainian second name of Tskhitishvili came into the "Azov steel" complex.

How is the period of management by this higher manager remembered?

1. Absolute ignorance of the production technology.

2. Absolute disregard of people's personalities.

3. Final destruction of the employee union in the complex.

4. Persecution of dissidents and serving the owner - Akhmetov - blindly.

Over the first one-and-a-half years of work this Enver Omerevich fired more workshop heads and heads of sectors, locations, and units than were fired over the whole prior existence of the complex. The personnel department would may argue that "everybody was let go due to their own volitition or due to the agreement of the sides, blah-blah-blah". However the facts speak for themselves. Over the 2 years the following people were fired in the factory of "Azov steel" (resigned by their own volition or by the agreement of the sides or "by general's order"):

- in the caking coal department - EIGHT workshop heads, 14 deputies, 7 masters, 14 workers;

- in the converter department - 3 workshop heads, 4 deputies, 4 sector heads, 2 service heads, 132 workers (steel-makers, scoop-workers, converter-workers, electricians, crane operators, etc..);

- in the blast-furnace department - 4 workshop heads, 3 deputies, 5 service heads, 56 workers;

- in the heavy sorting department - 5 workshop heads, 8 deputies, 6 sector heads, 38 workers (there's not even many workers left to fire there - there's horrible turnover there);

- in the rail and beam department - 2 workshop heads, 4 deputies, 7 sector heads, 45 workers;

- in the crimping deparment - 2 deputies, 3 sector heads, 14 workers (the department is small, only 200 people according to the roster);

- the loading and unloading department was completely destroyed, was outsourced to contractors, now the Azov steel loaders are happy to get their salary in envelopes, have unpaid vacations, and other Akhmetov's benefits.

The sheet-rolling department ended up being the most resilent. Thanks to the department head, the last of the Mohicans, Victor Ocheretin. The dude is not only supporting young concubines, but is also not afraid to support his workers.

Among the 898 aforementioned fired workers, the 89% are technologists who know their work and the production process, the majority are highest class professionals. Multiply 898 by 10 (the average number of relatives of each fired worker) and we will get 8980 residents fo the city who now have first-hand experience of the "benefits" of oligarchic life. There are also tens of thousands of those who observed this.

This is for the 1st and 2nd point mentined above. For the 3rd - the union responsibilities were reduced to distributing gifts for the New Year and the tours during the Summer. And otherwise the union sits tight and is even afraid to fart. As for the 4th point - congratulations to all workers of Azov steel. A list of 4000 men, who are to be enlisted into the Ukie armed forces for Mariupol,  was approved. 800 among them are from Azov steel. Good luck to all of them on fields of battle.

And actually the following: after liberating Mariupol from Ukie-fascist "protectors" I guarantee a major surprise - a Novorossia battalion from the residents of Mariupol will be the most numerous and the fiercest. Even while the schmuck "Chechen" was on Grecheskaya, more than 3 thousand of city residents from among those who served in the army came there. Only the lack of materiel, unity of command, and organization + a dump of "committed leaders" impeded turning the situation in the Ruin in a proper direction right from the beginning, because Mariupol is more than 20 percentage points of the whole country's GDP.

And don't believe the provocations from Ukie media - Mariupol wasn't jumping and won't be jumping. The "yellow-n-blue" rug is fluttering over the city only while the residents are held at the gunpoint by assholes with assault rifles.

https://vk.com/feed?section=friends&z=photo-66972602_339098925%2Fwall245863978_1518 (in Russian) - link

Original article: http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1792535.html (in Russian)

kolomoisky, donetsk people's republic, junta, oligarchs, mariupol, war in ukraine, akhmetov

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