Forced silence

Aug 29, 2014 15:00

For the whole day I was hanging around at the Yalta conference that was dedicated to Novorossia. Tomorrow will be the second day.
There's a genuine wi-fi sabotage going on in the hotel "Intourist" where the conference is held, so there was no way I could write anything in the blog. A quite serious screwup for a conference of an informational nature.
The event itself was pretty interesting. Neither Strelkov nor Borodai showed up. However, there was Mozgovoi (in person he's even more convincing than on the video, charisma is gushing out of him), who said it pretty well that we should talk less and do more, for example one can take up arms and go to Donbass. To the journalists who don't like something, he extended an invitation to join his brigade to shoot the war in the raw. Overall, a pure warrior, no diplomatic inclination, not even close to a politician. All the humanitarian aid that we shipped to him since April was not in vain, a major human being, and also stands for people's power (in the spirit of Gubarev's rhetoric).
Glazyev and Shevchenko spoke besides him.
From Strelkov there was his deputy Druz, whose performance along with the performance of Kholmogorov triggered the most lively discussion (the first faulted Lenin, predicted the victory for Novorossia, the turmoil in Russia, and the Russian Empire with the inclusion of  Eastern Europe into its orbit, the second developed the topic of Russian nationalism and the need to get rid of Ukraine as such), not counting the attempt of the Spanish journalist from "El Pais" to get to Mozgovoi so that he would recognize the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine. She was skillfully cut off. Kurginyan was remembered with a bit of "praise", and Druz also entered a major argument with some dude on the topic of the synthesis of communism and Orthodoxy.
Overall, the event was quite right-wing, although, e.g., Darya Mitina and Delyagin were present there.
Among the famous people Novorossia, I shook hands with Anton Davidchenko, who was arrested in the Spring in Odessa "for separatism", as well as with Kharkov resistance activist Guryanov, who recently left Kurginyan's sect, exposing the latter publicly. Well, there were a few other interesting meetings and acquaintances.
Among the famous people, Pavel Gubarev and Shurygin are expected tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening I will write about the general impressions from the conference, once I get home. As a whole it was interesting in terms of monitoring those opinions about the future of Novorossia that currently roam within the Russian right-wing conservatives and nationalists.

PS. Now I have a number of interesting meetings. On the situation at the front, which is developing well in principle, I'll write closer to the night once I get back to the room. We will publish photos and videos from the event by tomorrow on the "Voice of Sevastopol".

Original article: (in Russian)

donetsk people's republic, mozgovoi, personal of colonelcassad, crimea, yalta, novorossia

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