Toy Soldiers of Novorossia

Aug 26, 2014 07:38

Well, it turns out that the quirky entrepreneurs hustled and already released toy soldiers inspired by the war in Novorossia. The topic is definitely hot and I think that this will work fairly well as a gift.
In the childhood I collected soldiers (perhaps at some point I'll gather the strength to go through the stocks and put them up in a single post), if speaking of quality, then the collection is so-so, although the characters are selected well in general. Motorola in a spherical helmet, Bezler in a sailor's striped vest, and Mozgovoi in a cap standing on the IFV are clearly missing.

Clear land.


Clear sky.

Volunteer. (in Russian) - with prices (bastards, they want 5900 rubles!).

In comments they write that there's more;

Thanks for me no longer being a "kit". (n.b., in Ukrainian, the English word "cat" translates to "kiт", the same word is also used in Ukrainian to mean "whale", but in Russian the word "cat" translates to "кот" which isn't shared with any other animal and makes all Russian cats very happy. See also this snippet on the same topic from Bulgakov's "White Guard", a classical work of Russian literature from early 20-th century. There are many parallels between what's now happening in Ukraine and the events described in "White Guard" and also Bunin's "Cursed Days").

The last one is the best. (in Russian) - with prices.

Original article: (in Russian)

games, donetsk people's republic, toys, strelkov, novorossia

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