Situation in Donbass by August 22

Aug 22, 2014 22:03

A generalized overview of the situation in Donbass by the evening of August 22.

1. By August 22 it became quite clear that neither by August 24 nor by September 1 will the junta be able to capture Donetsk and Luhansk. A general offensive that started already on July 1st with the goal of destroying Novorossia ran out of steam. The junta suffered its crucial defeats under Shakhtyorsk and Krasnyi Luch, when it failed to cut the DPR from the LPR after which it got stuck in bloody fighting under Ilovaysk and Yasinovataya. At the same time the Southern group was completely routed in the South Cauldron.
Perhaps it is too early to tell, but overall there is every indication of Novorossia's army is winning a strategic defensive operation. In the recent days there is a clear weakening of the junta's pressure applied to the people's republics, which is accompanied by convulsive attempts to attack Ilovaysk at any price and floundering of the semi-encircled military south-east of Luhansk.

2. The fact that Yasinovataya and Ilovaysk managed to stand completely disrupted the announced assault on Donetsk, and today's convoy of white trucks that went through into Luhansk clearly demonstrated that the plan for full encirclement of Luhansk failed, and a breakthrough to Novovsvetlovka and Khryashevatoye was mitigated. Meanwhile, the situation for the forces that acted south-east and south of Luhansk is getting worse every day because the militia carry out increasingly bold and decisive actions directed at creating a new cauldron, in which the detachments of 3 brigades and the accompanying reinforcement units risk ending up in. And only 4-5 day ago they were yelling that they are already sweeping the downtown of Luhansk.

3. Overall, on the background of the junta's offensive running out of steam, the front lines gradually stabilized and the militia starts to bite it, probing for the weak locations in the junta's military dislocation with respect to cutting off numerous protrusions in the front lines. Only lack of forces prevents the militia from transitioning to a full-scale offensive, which is for now replaced by the activity of reconnaissance and sabotage groups, creating tactical cauldrons, and pushing the junta out of a number of settlements. Nevertheless, the general tendency here is to the militia advantage, which over the last 2-3 days achieved success both in defensive fighting and also managed to inflict serious losses on the junta and to recapture a number of settlements.

4. The junta clearly has a serious problem. It has to stop the offensive in order to reinforce the battered units, pull the reserves, accumulate armor, and resume it in a new operational situation. Instead the junta persists in trying to advance within the confines of the already thwarted design and with the same forces that couldn't succeed even when they were still in full order according to the roster. In principle such a stubborn attempt to break the wall with one's head is advantageous for the militia, because the junta lavishly sacrifices its infantry and armor, in these already operatively meaningless attempts to take "at least something". Daily reports from our side and temper tantrums from the enemy side are a good indicator that the daily losses of the junta are in the dozens (during certain days - in the hundreds) of KIAs and MIAs. Materiel losses aren't far away, and the worst thing for the junta is that a part of this materiel falls into militia's hands and starts to fight against the junta.

5. The relation of forces is steadily improving, it is no longer possible to speak of unconditional superiority of the junta in people and materiel, yes, it is significant, in materiel - by several times, but no longer as hopeless at it was in June and July. Especially troubling for the junta became the creation of artillery fists, which actually inflict the majority of losses on the advancing brigades and punitive battalions. Moreover, these fists are replenished mostly due to the very Ukrainian artillery systems, and judging from Bezler's announcements, they already even have 2S7 "Pions" there. And without overwhelming superiority in people and materiel the junta offensive starts simply running into the defensive line of the militia and stops due to the impact of artillery fire. While there are still breakthroughs, now they are starting to get quite confidently parried by the militia reserves, which speaks first about the existence of such reserves and second about their competent use.

6. The panicked proposals of pulling back to Slavyansk and Mariupol, strengthening fortifications in the area of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, the calls to start the 4-th wave of mobilization and a transition to reinforcing the thinned units with the materiel from the 60s and 70s are characteristic indications of not only the failure of the offensive, but also of the extent of the junta's bloody losses, if it is now forced to support its combat readiness with enlisted men of dubious quality and with obsolete materiel. In this respect, despite the seemingly huge stocks of weapons that Ukraine inherited from the USSR, their combat-capable portion started to run out. From here, actually, comes the need to use junk and the work on acquiring materiel from foreign countries in order to close the emerging gaps.

7. Serious problems remain at the level of command over the junta's military. Those who direct the military action on the south flank already put their forces in a cauldron twice, plus they wasted quite combat-ready units in fighting for Miusinsk, Saur-Mogila, Ilovaysk, and Snezhnoye. Huge losses and modest results in the form of taking the south slope of Saur-Mogila (by the way, yesterday during continued fighting the stella also fell here, the soldier fell a bit earlier) are a good indicator that the example of command of the south group of the Ukrainian junta must be used to teach young officers how not to wage war. Mediocrity multiplied by political adventurism makes its impact. Earlier everything was attributed to some SBU generals, which pushed 3 brigades of the junta into the South Cauldron. They were removed, Now they yell about traitors with general's epaulettes. But where are literate generals to be found in Ukraine?
Only the military that are north of Donetsk, in the gap between Gorlovka and Debaltsevo, are fighting, more or less. The attempts of decisive strikes in order to cut the DPR from the LPR were performed exactly from here and the real threat for Novorossia is preserved for the longest time only in that area. But even there the junta's military got stuck in fierce fighting with the militia reserves and didn't achieve their goals. I have nothing to say about the adventurers who tried to surround Luhansk with the open south flank. I will be surprised if a new cauldron won't emerge to the south-west of Luhansk in the nearest 1-2 weeks.

8. Nevertheless, despite being defeated on the level of strategy and operative skill, the junta is trying to save the situation by strictly tactical means. Stupid head-on attacks on Ilovaysk and Yasinovataya are carried out exclusively with a reliance on numerical superiority and quite logically lead to protracted urban warfare. Naturally, certain threat is still preserved, but this more of a threat for Ilovaysk and Yasinovataya themselves rather than for Donetsk. Even if the junta will manage to suppress the local defenses in, say, Ilovaysk, then it will simply achieve a local wedge into the front that approaches Donetsk outskirts, where a new defensive line will wait for the battered punitive battalions. In general, there's no operative sense in continuing the offensive, the junta needs a pause to organize a new full-fledged offensive.

9. Nevertheless, political considerations related to the holiday on August 24th and to the upcoming talks in Minsk push the junta to continue its military adventure. The goals are obvious - to present at least some kind of peremoga to the public and to have more sound positions during the talks in Minsk. But for now it seems that it is more likely that a peremoga over the junta offensive will be celebrated on August 24th in Novorossia, and Poroshenko will have a quite crappy deck of cards in Minsk. A slap in the face in the form of a convoy, which drove into the Ukrainian (as he thinks) territory without his permission and drove into the "almost captured" Luhansk speaks better than any words about how much Poroshenko is in charge of the situation here. And such glorious attempts were made to prevent this. A few hundred KIAs, WIAs, POWs, and MIAs, tens of destroyed vehicles, several lost airplanes and helicopters. All in vain - the gamble with a jerk towards Novosvetlovka predictably failed, although the junta's infantry must be given credit here - it held its ground on a crucial location twice longer than the militia expected it to. These times such resilience is rare, more of an exception than a rule. Nevertheless, it wasn't an obstacle. The roadway was more or less secured, the junta's warriors were pushed away and the convoy for Luhansk immediately went in.

10. Overall, if there won't be some kind of a political collusion, then the war will continue in September with similar fierceness, and its meaning will gradually transition from the question of "Will Novorossia survive or not?" to the question of "Which borders will Novorossia have after the war?". In general, all of our sources in Novorossia are optimistic in the recent days, some are even euphoric. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the junta, even though it suffered a defeat, didn't lose and after pulling new forces and regrouping it can carry out a new offensive or it can build a strategic defensive line, in order to leave Novorossia in the form of a rump that is ruined by the war, which the junta is systematically destroying by the artillery. In this respect the militia will have to not only finally stabilize the front line and hold the strategic points, but also to prepare for offensive actions on a wider scale with the goal of liberating Artyomovsk, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, and Mariupol. Already in Septemeber it is quite possible that these points will once again show up in the actual combat reports, besides the already traditional reports from guerillas.
However, it must be understood that by collecting a strike group somewhere the junta may easily organize a new operational crisis for the militia. So, do try to avoid being excessively euphoric, winning a battle doesn't mean winning a war. A long and bloody struggle lies ahead of us.

Overall, things are going, the tendency is beneficial. And yes, thanks to those of you who already started sending first packages with autumn-winter gear. It will be needed soon. (in Russian) - online-broadcast on "Voice of Sevastopol" for 08/22

Original article: (in Russian)

donetsk people's republic, junta, luhansk, donetsk, luhansk people's republic, war in ukraine

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