How 30-th brigade perished

Aug 20, 2014 21:41

A burning story about how the 30-th brigade of the junta was dealt with.
The story of one of the few survivors was re-interpreted by some sort of Ukrainian propagandist.

How the 30-th brigade perished: a story of a surviving Berdichevite

I'm not a traitor and I'm not an alarmist. But what happened with the 30-th brigade from Novograd-Volynsk deserves most careful examination by the public. Remaining silent about this means to betray the country and the guys that were left lying in the Donetsk soil. To betray their families and the people, which gives its best sons under the command of ...tards with huge stars on their epaulettes. I don't want to criticize anybody here, I just hope that the story of the frail Berdichev boy, who managed to survive during those events, will help Ukrainians understand that an incompetent officer is worse than Yanukovich...

Igor (name changed) was enlisted into the army in Berdichev in March. "For ten days, for retraining," - explained Berdichev recruitment officer. From Berdichev he was sent into Novograd, into 30-th brigade. There they took to firing range - 12 bullets a day, and this went on for two weeks. Later there were exercises together with the 26-th brigade, then to war. The task of the detachment in which Igor served was to accompany the military convoys with combat supplies. They were shelled, but God forgave and only burned trucks marked the path of these soldiers. By the end of July the whole brigade was gathered and sent into the village of Solnechnoye in Donetsk region. There they repaired the materiel, refueled, refilled ammunition loads, and went into the village of Stepanovka in Donetsk region. Stepanovka was already liberated, but the terrorists shelled it with mortars. During the first day the brigade lost three people due to mortar fire. They were quartered in basements and cellars, their service began. They had to patrol the territory, guard checkpoints, sweep the captured settlements.

The events of August 12 Igor will remember for the rest of his life. He remembered a talk of two artillerists from the SPH battery in the morning several hours before the catastrophe: "Kolya, this is some f... We shoot and don't switch positions, they'll cover us". "Go tell this to the commander, he already tried to be smart and got fucked by the command. They told him to stand here," - replied the other artillerist. During the war all rules are written in blood of the dead soldiers. And if the commands go against the rules then the soldier intuition starts working and expecting the worst. Igor got "lucky", if this word is applicable, he and two more fighters were sent to reconnaissance in the evening in order to determine the dislocation of enemy firepower and accumulations of manpower.

The boys walked away from their own for three-four kilometers and found a standing tank convoy that consisted of 18 T-90 tanks! An attempt to get in touch with the command almost costed them their lives - three guard tanks passed by the scouts who were lying in grass. The nearest tank almost flattened the fighters - "you could touch it with your hand". Once the tanks approached the convoy and stopped, the scouts connected to the command and requested artillery shelling after pointing the square in which the tanks were gathered. The tanks stood for about an hour, but no shelling occurred. Moreover, the infantry on "Kamazes" approached the tanks and the military started to disperse. Tanks and infantry started to surround the village - the scouts again got in touch with the command and reported the situation - 30 "Kamazes" with people and 21 T-90 tank. This time the command reacted (Igor learned this later from the surviving soldiers) - it left the not yet surrounded Stepanovka, leaving one staff officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel behind.

The catastrophe started at about 10pm. A rocket whirlwind covered the village and the troops location. More than two hours the "Grads" were digging the positions of the 30-th brigade, and then the tanks and the infantry went to sweep the village. Igor thinks that these were Russian military - the terrorists never had T-90 tanks. A retreat of the Ukrainian detachments began, or rather what was left of them... Ours were retreating towards Saur-Mogila.

This way three scouts ended up in the rear of the separatists. The scouts laid in the field until the morning, observing the approaching convoys of enemy supplies. The boys tried to get in touch with the command for the whole night in order to learn what do they have to do in this situation. But the radio remained silent. In the morning they got connected and got a command to move into the settlement of Solnechnoye. They were moving along a country road. This way they ran into an UAZ of the separatists with three fighters. During an attack on the car "shoot only on glasses and doors" they captured the transport means and almost reached their destination - the separatists saw them and started to hammer using a mortar. They abandoned the car and went through thick foliage instead...

Shock waited for them In the settlement. During the attack of separatists and the Russian military the 18 tanks of the brigade were destroyed, an SPH battery was fully eliminated, and other armor. Out of all brigade materiel only two tanks remained in Solnechnoye, which were hit but miraculously retained their mobility, and an armored reconnaissance scout vehicle. A very high number of people perished, but how many exactly they didn't know back then. But the command forgot about the soldiers and they were given the order to deploy to Saur-Mogila with the remains of the military. The second part of the tragedy unfolded there... Igor has no strength to recall it. Later the survivors were given the order to deploy into Novograd, into the brigade location "to count and to make the lists of those who are alive". Counted. Out of 4500 soldiers and officers, 83 ended up in Novograd-Volynsk and also about 500 in other places in Ukraine, mostly repairmen, medics, snipers... The commanders will be figuring out where are the others.

Today Igor is in Berdichev. No money, but alive. What happens next he doesn't know. They were released to their homes and told that in the nearest time they'll decide what to do next with them... Nothing is known yet about the fate of almost four thousand "lost" soldiers and officers of the 30-th brigade.

Valentin BORTNIK (in Russian) - link

PS. And the "trivia".

1. The convoy finally took off.
2. The militia shot down 2 Mi-24 and 1 airplane today according to their announcements. Our sources authentically confirm 1 downed Mi-24.
3. Ilovaysk isn't captured by the junta, there's fighting going on there.
4. Almost all of Stanitsa Luhanskaya is controlled by the militia.
5. The same with Yasinovataya.

Today I simply ran out of time with the large materials, urgent business appeared + soon I'll have to fly into Rostov due to work, closer to the front lines.

Overall, if our guys will stand their ground under Ilovaysk and Yasinovataya, then the junta will end up in a quite difficult situation - no reserves, the forces are battered, there's no front line as such, and guerrillas roam in the rear.

Original article: (in Russian)

ukraine, donetsk people's republic, junta, luhansk people's republic, war in ukraine, russia

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