About "federalization" of Siberia

Aug 18, 2014 18:00

Briefly on the topic of "federalization of Siberia".

Actually on the topic of the presence of several separatists in Siberia, who wish to separate, then this is far from a secret. This idea was spun already in the 90s by various american funds and local agents of influence. I recall even an article in the magazine "Rodina" in the 90s with a sound title "Shall we sell Siberia". The overall meaning was that we cannot manage it properly anyway, so is it not better selling it to the prudent Americans or give it away to the Japanese, since Siberia can expect nothing good from the crude Russians. Nevertheless the theme didn't fire, because the population simply gave a screw-loose sign on the topic of similar initiatives. And in the "2000s", which were swamped with oil money, the idea of "siberian separatism" altogether died without even properly being born because the example of the former Soviet republic in general perfectly showed that it is certainly possible to separate, but for some reason the happiness doesn't come, and the "independent Bandustan" are ruled by altogether complete bloodsuckers (Lukashenko doesn't count - he is unique and there won't be any other).

As the political crisis and was developing in 2011 and the economic troubles, which started in the Russian Federation after 2008, again created a fertile ground for the authors of the idea of "separating Siberia". But again, this idea even without any significant effort of the authorities remained confined to the marginals, which were extremely far away from the desires of common folk.

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) was able to convince themselves of this in the recent days, which as a snub for Crimean Spring and Donbass, decided to play the card of separatism in the Russian Federation in its propaganda. This fairly understandable copying of the Russian propaganda immediately hit serious difficulties. The topic of Chechen separatism immediately fell out, because the junta is constantly yelling that Kadyrov and his Chechens fight against it, so the union of Kiev with the "Chechen fighters for freedom" would look strange, and in Chechnya itself the ideas of separatism are to put it mildly not as popular now as they were 10 years ago.
So they had to look for something else and chose the "federalization of Siberia" for an injection. The conception was straightforward, to arrange some sort of motion in Siberia, to organize a "solidarity event" in Ukraine and to run all of this stuff on TV. Sure thing, there is a hairbreadth of real Siberian separatism, the main goals had a purely informational nature.
But the SBU couldn't achieve even these goals, the "Siberian separatists" screwed up by being too few, due to which the Russian authorities were kind enough to allow the "rally for federalization" and then took their time trumping on those one and a half cripples who came there. As a result, the SBU achieved a strictly opposite effect, because the Russian propaganda was given the opportunity to show that the whole "Siberian separatism" is simply BS, effectively at no cost, because even more people go to Limonov's rallies in Triumphalnaya than there.

Overall, this failure of the SBU is even more strange because it would seem that there is a well known in its win-win topic in narrow nationalist circles of "Enough feeding Caucasus" and from the point of view of organizing an informational attack this direction is more beneficial and promises bigger media perspectives, considering  that among the Russian ultra-right there are supporters of what's happening in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the SBU ignored this fruitful topic and pursued the knowingly failed enterprise, which gloriously failed on our eyes, once again emphasizing the obvious problems with the competence of this organization. Sure a decent budget was allocated for this informational support measure, it appears that the majority of the money were spent anywhere other than the front of the struggle for "federalization of Siberia".

Regarding the questions of whether Siberia can separate, then from my point of view this is only possible given a complete destruction of state power in the Russian Federation, which will naturally touch not only Siberia but also regions too. Certainly, this doesn't mean that the money won't be allocated for supporting these ideas and the work from the side of the so-called "partners" will go on.

Fuck, nobody's here. Everybody left. 7 people at the rally point. I saw guys in cafe that were definitely going to the March. They are eating potatoes. Just fucking great.

The clock of the Novosiberian Church struck 17:00. The March started.

Overall, comparing to our Crimean separatism even with its internal problem, the Siberian separatists are weak and hapless - they are too few and for nothing.

Original article: http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1736270.html (in Russian)

idiots, separatism, ukraine, siberia, crimea, humor, sbu, rallies

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