Fighting in Donbass, July 16-17

Jul 17, 2014 06:56

Summary of fighting for July 16th and the first half of July 17th.

Large losses of the junta under Severodonetsk

"Tonight there were very pleasant news. Today an enemy checkpoint was destroyed by our fire. The sabotage groups are at work, the necessary locations are mined. The punitive troops suffer colossal losses in personnel and equipment. For instance, as a result of only a single operation, the junta lost 4 tanks. Everything is gradually starting to shift in our direction. If earlier we only thought of defending, then now we think about an offensive. We captured soldiers from Kharkov. They told us that they were forced to fight. They were pressured, threatened with reprisals against families. They are afraid of their commanders more than us. And they don't want to fight on the junta side against the militia fighters.

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Junta announces that its Su-25 was shot down by a Russian airplane.

A Ukrainian airplane Su-25 was shot down by the Russian airplane on July 16th, said the speaker of the council for the national security and defense of Ukraine, Andrey Lysenko.

"On July 16th at about 19:00 yet another provocation was carried out from the Russian side. The military airplane of the armed forces of the Russian Federation carried out a missile strike against the Su-25 airplane of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was performing missions on the Ukrainian territory. Our airplane was shot down. The pilot catapulted and was evacuated into safety by the AFU detachments. The pilot is OK," - said Lysenko.

Earlier the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced that the Ukrainian attack airplane Su-25 was damaged by the militia fighters.

"Today, on July 16th, at about 13:00 during the execution of a combat mission in the area of the anti-terrorist operation the terrorists damaged the leader of a Su-25 pair using a man-portable air defense system (MANPADS). The pilot led the jet into a specific area and carried out a forced landing successfully," - noted the departmental announcement. The airplane received minor damage and can be repaired. (in Russian) - link

Damn this "military surplus store", such pranksters they are...

Regrouping of the junta

The information came in: under Seversk and Artemovsk the junta took the tanks off the checkpoints and sent them elsewhere. The Naziguard are in panic, it is lamenting "traitors". There is a version that the tanks are pulled into the area of Lisichansk and Severodonetsk, in order to cut off the protrusion.

All is calm in Amvrosiyevka

The residents of Amvrosiyevka report that the night of July 17th was the calmest over the last month. All of the junta's detachments were sent to the front lines, only checkpoints remain in the city.

​Retreat from Slavyansk

"After Monday a part of Ukrainian punitive troops started to abandon Slavyansk. As we understand, their situation on the approaches to the capital of the DPR is altogether bad, if even from Slavyansk they are sent into Donetsk. But this is only a part - the main fascists remain here. How many of them there are in the city - it is hard to count, because all of them are predominantly located in the area of SATS (Slavyansk Aviation Technical School), where the territory is equipped in order to prevent chance glances. During the night "Smerchs" were working in the area of  the Kramatorsk airport. The leadership of the DPR promises (in Russian) to return Slavyansk under its control soon.

Regrouping in Krasnoarmeysk

A convoy proceeded through Krasnoarmeysk towards Dimitrov:
  • 3 tanks
  • 2 APC
  • 4 IFV
  • 10-12 trucks, some with a cannon
The convoy turned and went through Krasnoarmeysk towards Dnepropetrovsk - after them 1 tank and 3 IFVs also left the city.
In 2 km on the road from Krasnoarmeysk towards Dnepropetrovsk the convoy split and remain in the woodland belt along the highway.

General fled the cauldron

The commander fled the 24-th brigade of the Ukro-fascist military. The brigade effectively fell apart and isn't an organized fighting force anymore.

As the militia intelligence learned, the commander of the 24-th separate mechanized Samaro-Ulyanovskaya, Berdichev, of the order of October Revolution, triple Red-banner, of the Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Iron brigade, colonel Alexander Pavlyuk ran away from the Izvarino cauldron, leaving the brigade that was entrusted to him to the vagaries of fate. This is how the ukro-fascists brought disgrace to the glorious banner of the former Iron division. - link (our inside info from yesterday about the runaway general was confirmed)

Summary from Strelkov.

At 4am in the area of Metallist (northern outskirt of Kuteynikovo) the reconnaissance and sabotage group of the 2nd Slavyansk battalion attacked the enemy strong point in the area of the unit of fire fighters. The Ukrs suffered significant losses in personnel. There are trophies.

Heavy fighting continues under Marinovka. The enemy engulfs Marinovka, Stepanovka, and the neighboring heights with a barrage of shells and rockets. They don't attack yet, unfortunately, they are taking advantage of their overwhelming advantage in artillery. We suffer serious losses, but we hold our positions.
Near Kozhevnya (South of Dmitriyevka - on the very border with Russia), our reconnaissance and sabotage group destroyed a tank and an APC in the Ukrian convoy that stood motionless. The pontoon bridge across the river Mius was destroyed by artillery, the enemy forces which are trying the exit the encirclement are demoralized.

Today we carried out an artillery strike against the Ukrian position in the area of the customs terminal and the border checkpoint "Marinovka". There was no report of the results yet.

After yesterday's defeats (2 Su-25 were shot down over the area) the enemy aviation didn't show up.

Russian vehicles on the border with Ukraine.

July 16th, not far away from the border with Ukraine.

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Two junta soldiers were captured when they went to get soap.

According to the Ukrainian media, in Avdeyevka two soldiers of an air-defense unit No. 2939, which services the Donetsk airport and is surrounded, were captured by the militia. UNIAN was informed by the service members directly from this unit and the parents of the draftees who are currently there. "On Wednesday, July 16th, two our men were captured. They went into the store in Avdeyevka to buy personal items - toilet paper, toothpaste, soap", said the agency interlocutors, clarifying that "there are locals who were witnesses that the soldiers were immobilized, forced on the ground, and led away". (in Russian) - link

6 civilians were killed in Luhansk.

In Luhansk, six employees of the firm "Lia", which is located on the Lutugin prospect, died during shelling of the building. Six more were wounded by shrapnel.
As it is noted, the documents were missing with the dead which would help to determine their identities. It is only known that they worked in this firm. The wounded in varying degree of severity were delivered into Luhansk hospitals.
It is announced that the "unknown people in camouflage uniform" shelled the plant. - link (in Russian)

Deserters from the 72-nd SMBR about the state of the junta military.

image Click to view

The state ain't great.

About fighting for Marinovka.

On Thursday morning intense fighting renewed near the checkpoint "Marinovka" in the South of the Donetsk region, announced the militia headquarters. The militia is trying to encircle the group of military, who are trying to break out of the "south cauldron" to their main forces. Earlier it became known that in the vicinity of Saur-mogila a large group of the Ukrainian military is trying to exit the encirclement. It is known that the fighters of the 79-th and the 24-th separate mechanized brigades ended up in the "cauldron", as well as the 72-nd separate mechanized brigade, and also the National Guard battalions "Azov" and "Shakhtyorsk". The militia started to fire on them from Saur-Mogila and also from the settlements Semenovka and Tarany, and then they attacked Marinovka and the neighboring checkpoint of the same name in order to complete the encirclement of the "South cauldron" of the enemy. During the fighting the militia fighters shot down two Su-25 attack jets on Wednesday, one APC, and one IFV of the junta, one more IFV was captured by the militia fighters. The militia losses - 1 APC, two dead, 17 wounded. - link (in Russian)

Summary of fighting in Novorossia for July 16th, 2014


During the morning of 07/16 the militia transitioned to offense. The fighting went on in the area of the settlement Taran and also from the side of Saur-Mogila and Stepanovka.
The goal - clear the enemy out of the key square - the settlement Marinovka, thereby squeezing the South-East group of the enemy into a circle (the South cauldron) and cutting of their supply routes.

Marinovka was attacked by the Novorossia forces, the constitution of the group:
tanks - 10
APC - 5
Militia fighters - 200 people,
The junta military tried to stop the attack on Marinovka with an air attack, carrying out airstrikes with attack aircraft. Earlier, the attack planes were noticed in the airspace of the village Lozovaya, which were heading towards the DPR. In the same square the military transport airplanes were noticed, which were headed (approximately) toward Mariupol.
According to Strelkov's data, in the beginning of the battle two were killed and no fewer than 15 wounded (enemy losses). Also one APC, one IFV, and one armor vehicles was captured.
The "cauldron" was closed.

Message from militia. "Marinovka is captured by the militia fighters, the punitive troops are completely surrounded, the South cauldron is fully closed."
On other locations of the South front active offensive of the militia continues, the artillery attacks against the junta convoys are performed, the militia uses "Grads" periodically.

"In the area of Amvrosiyevka there is a congregation of various scattered military units of the punitive troops - the result of the morning liberation of Marinovka. During the hasty retreat towards Mariupol, the junta is abandoning defective equipment. During the day the convoys of the Ukrainian vehicles and infantry continue their flight along the Russian border from East to West - through the village Kozhevnya to Novopetrovskoye, Grigorvka, and then to Amvrosiyevka. The militia artillery carries out periodic strikes against them from all available calibers. An attempt of the "naziguard" to perform yet another attack against Saur-Mogila ended up with a response artillery attack, after which the Ukrainian military continued their active retreat."

Meanwhile Strelkov introduces martial law in the DPR.
As a reinforcement measure, the militia introduces martial law and curfew.

Also on July 16th the militia put 2 airplanes of the junta assault aviation out of order.
The first fell in the area of the city of Torez, the second, leaving the black trail of smoke behind itself, took the course towards Mirgorod, clearly with difficulty.

The enemy continues to grow the group in the area of Amvrosiyevka and pulls forces into Mariupol.
Operational data arrives about redeploying of the military equipment from the western frontiers.
Novy Svet - Amvrosiyevka:
MLRS "Grad" - 7
Cannons - 2
Howitzers - 1
IFV - 17
A large number of infantry

Through Nikolayev in the eastern direction (Melitopol-Mariupol) the movement of 2 busses with the military personnel + KAMAZ. In the same direction fuel trucks with trailers are constantly moving (fuel and lubricant material).

According to the unconfirmed data, on the railroad station Troyany up to 40 tanks were unloaded - they are redeployed towards Berdyansk

North-East from Donetsk, the square of the settlement Krasnoarmeysk
Ukrainian military are digging in along the highway. There are:
3 tanks
10-12 trucks, some with a cannon


The forces of the Kiev authorities are slowly but surely withdrawing to their original (prior to the July offensive) positions. They still hold Metallist as a foothold on the South bank of the Donets and pull reserves (either from Slavyansk or from Severodonetsk) into the area of Schastye, where there is fierce fighting. Apparently, the maximum task that is posed before the junta units is to keep these two crucial (for shelling Luhansk) points. - link (in Russian) - online-broadcast on the "Voice of Sevastopol" for 07/17 (in Russian) - online-broadcast on the "Voice of Sevastopol" for 07/16 (in Russian)

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Original article: (in Russian)

ukraine, lpr, donetsk people's republic, war in ukraine, russia, dpr

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