Summary of the audit of the 54th battalion of the AFU military reconnaissance (machine translation)

Mar 18, 2015 16:41

Another interesting document from the Debalcevo cauldron about the work of the military reconnaissance of the enemy before the start of the winter campaign of 2015.
The below document went to the headquarters of Sector C. In the summary of the audit of the 54th separate reconnaisance battalion (one may read about its history here (in English) - the unit is old, exists since the times of the Great Patriotic War, created in 1943 and has a guards ribbon in its coat of arms).

Note the guards ribbon in the upper corner.

Interesting data about the involvement of the recons in tasks not suited for them, the low level of personnel preparedness, lack of rotations, and other drawbacks. Overall, the document gives a view of what the military recons of the enemy do and what kind of problems they had as they carried out military tasks in the area of the Debalcevo bridgehead.

[note from the translator: I don't have the resources to translate this monstrosity, but the stuff is actually interesting, so here's a link to Yandex machine translation into English:

It looks like they forced recons to guard bridges. This is something that punitive and territorial troops could probably do just fine, alas, they forced this supposedly elite unit to perform guard duty.]

PS. The document was translated from Ukrainian.

PS2. During the fighting of January-February, the 54th separate reconnaissance battalion suffered losses, but managed to exit the cauldron after losing some of its vehicles.

Original article: (in Russian)

documents, afu, donetsk people's republic, junta, war in ukraine, intelligence, ukraine, army of ukraine, debalcevo, dpr

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