Schemes of platoon-level AFU strongholds

Mar 10, 2015 05:12

A minor exclusive material from the trophies. The AFU schemes from the headquarters on the organization of platoon-level strongpoints (permanent and stationary) in the area of Debalcevo, on which it is shown how the enemy builds its tactical defense and the system of fire on the level of platoon/company (some of the platoon-level strongholds shown below were a part of company-level strongholds).

Platoon Stronghold "Katso"

Platton Stronghold "Izya" (callsign "Spear")

Stronghold "Moisha" (callsign "Guard")

Platton Stronghold "Zenith"

Platoon Stronghold "Zozo" (callsign "Bee")

Checkpoint No. 4001.

Original article: (in Russian)

Note from the translator:

The language used in the schemes is not Ukrainian but a rather peculiar kind of Surzhyk. For instance, the word "bee" in Ukrainian is бджола (pronounced as "bdzhola") but the scheme uses the Russian word "пчела" (pronounced "pchela") instead. Another instance - the word "spear" in Ukrainian is either "спис" or "ратище", but the scheme uses the Russian word "копье" instead.

These minor details are a nice window into what Ukraine really is and what kind of language and culture "the real Ukrainians" in the ATO actually have. The patchwork of stuff is quite different from the image of the monolithic "Ukrainian nation" that the western propaganda and the Kiev thugs who captured the government try to present to the world. And yes, the Wikipedia lies when it says that 11-18% people in Ukraine speak Surzhyk.  The true percentage is much higher.

maps, documents, afu, war in ukraine, novorossia, ukraine, trophies, army of ukraine, dpr

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