More than 65% of materiel of the punitive troops was destroyed during fighting in Donbass

Sep 22, 2014 06:09

With respect to questions of what was the real state of the Ukrainian army at the time of announcing the "cease-fire".

Poroshenko: 65% of Ukraine's materiel was destroyed

Petr Poroshenko announced that during the special operation on the east of the country the Ukrainian materiel was destroyed to the level of 65%. "I can say how much materiel we lost... Military vehicles were destroyed to 60-65%," - said the president during his interview for the Ukrainian TV channels on Sunday evening.

According to him, during the time of the cease-fire the military retreated those units that were on the front lines for a long time. President's son was in one of these detachments.

"Over 2.5 weeks we got an opportunity to retreat those units that stood there for a long time, for rotation. My son was in one of these units," - said Poroshenko.

According to his words, right now the defense regime is in the process of being built. "We are building a defensive frontier," - he noted.

Earlier Poroshenko announced that Kiev will build a modern powerful complex of defensive fortifications on the border with Russia, if it will be necessary. Later the Ukrainian prime-minister Arsenii Yatsenyuk announced the start of building a "real state border with the Russian Federation," the project got the name of "Wall". Six months were allocated for its implementation. The length of the border between Russia and Ukraine is about 2.3 thousand of kilometers. (in Russian) - link

PS. Actually, such a percentage of losses was publicized earlier in the media that support the DPR (60-70% materiel that was destroyed, damaged, and captured by the militia), but the junta turned on Tymchuk mode.

Now the situation changed and the obvious was recognized - the junta lost about 2/3 materiel that it used during fighting in Donbass.

In order to compensate for these losses, both purchases from abroad and the multi-month process of making vehicles from warehouses operational. The losses in aviation and helicopters are altogether irrevocable. Perhaps, they'll actually accept the true number of KIAs of 12-15 thousand. Just so that you understand this better: over 5 months of active military action the junta lost more people and materiel than the USSR lost over 10 years of the war in Afghanistan.

Why did Poroshenko decide to turn Tymchuk mode off? Because right now there is an ongoing process of imlementing the Minsk collusion, when the junta benefits from appearing weak. This extinguishes the fascist discontent, who demand the assault on Donetsk and the offensive under Mariupol. Of course, they were told by the media how they heroically win against separatists and the Russian army, and now they already lost 2/3 of tanks, IFVs, APCs, MLRS, and cannons. This is certainly something to lament.

Actually, such acknowledgements once again show that the Minsk colusion effectively saved the junta from a complete military rout, because it would simply not be able to sustain another month of fighting of such intensity in which the significant part of the punitive group essentially burned out.

Currently the junta is effectively creeping away from the rug and builds what they call "defense", thankfully the ability to retreat from encirclements allows them to straighten the front, which by early September resembled a patchwork with a huge hole from Debalcevo to Mariupol.

PS2. Regarding the "military surplus store", our sources say that it was working on Sunday.

losses, ukraine, junta, poroshenko, war in ukraine, novorossia

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