So, I have this picture of Ophelia from Hamlet above my fireplace in my apartment. Today, my sister-in-law had to take one of my nephew's to the dentist, so I agreed to watch my 6 year old Nephew, Kaden and my 1 1/2 year old niece, Savannah.
Here is a rough idea of the conversation that he and I had...
Kaden: Who is that?
Me: That's Ophelia.
K: Why is she like that?
M: Well, she drowned herself.
K: How?
M: She jumped off a bridge into the water.
K: Why?
M: Because she was sad.
K: Why was she sad?
M: Because her boyfriend didn't love her anymore.
K: Why?
M: Well, he did love her, but in order to save her life, he had to tell her he didn't love her.
K: Why?
M: Well, there was a conspiracy against him.
K: What's a conspiracy?
M: A secret plan. Bad guys were planning on killing him and the people he loved, so he had to tell her he didn't love her to protect her.
K: Did they have swords?
M: Yes, they had swords. With poison on them.
K: Were they big swords? (insert stabbing motion here)
M: Yeah, they were big swords.
K:Oh! Why is her hair wet?
And that, is Hamlet to a 6 year old :)