First Video Post

Jan 04, 2011 21:34

The vid starts with a close up of a cutely confused Cass.  She glances off the screen, then breaks into a huge smile.

"Good!  Better!  Barbara made work!"  She gives a very happy thumbs up sign.

"Now show.  Better then tell."  The Asian girl is nodding emphatically, clearly tickled with being able to show her body language, which only makes sense since that literally is her native language.

She pull up a blonde batgirl plushie.  But also a female ninja with short dark hair.  "See? Mine.  Cute!  Need more.  Need boys."

Cass makes the plushies swoop and dive at each other, miming a fight that's reminiscent of Chinese cinema.  Then the video cuts out.

video blog, toys

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