stolen from 2 many... but more time to waste!

Dec 07, 2005 22:40

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005 (not including memes of course). Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

JANUARY: well, seems like everyone has that as their topic/heading.

FEBRUARY: friday night i had guard from 6-9 (where we got our uniforms!!) and then i came home and hung out w/my mom, dad and aunt anita!

MARCH: hey.. since i dont feel like putting all 87 pics from orlando in here.. go to the site

APRIL: today was april fools and i was so about to put in here that no one played a GOOD joke on me.

MAY: banquet was saturday.

JUNE: here is a QUICK overveiw of what happened today (that was the day we went to galveston and foote showed everyone my boobs! i miss that place.)

JULY: heres a brief summary of what happened in cancun: (just like you rachy!)

AUGUST: Sue and I finally went out to dinner for sushi. (omg.. i was soo thinking of that time like 10mins ago too! susan i love and miss you!)

SEPTEMBER: The school week was pretty good.

OCTOBER: Man this is a stressful week. (midterm time...)

NOVEMBER: Yahoo! Pictures from Halloween and Tim visiting me!!!

DECEMBER: So you sailed away into a grey sky morning
(and yeah.. thats the song katy and i sing to each other when one of us needs a good laugh or when we're in the car.. or having a music war.. or whenever im just w/katy in general.. lol)
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