As she bans anyone who comments...

Jul 04, 2004 18:16

maybe some of you are wondering why you're in here. maybe you're not. these are ppl I either find interesting, lame, annoying or unintelligent. yay

2004-07-03 13:09 (link)
so im interested in who would be myself. and frankly why im on your list. this is a new journal and so is your personal one. i dont recognize ya and am wondering how i may have offended you, curiosity is overwhelming.

2004-07-03 23:38 (link)
curiosity killed the cat. You did not offend me. I find you the latter of my choices.

Re: interested?
2004-07-04 01:03 (link)
unintelligent? you know me? you can't currenly read my journal so you must know me in some form. *shakes head* well not everyone likes me no big actually, just came accross my name in a coupla of your (i assume you're the owner of the other two new journals) journals. later.

Re: interested?
2004-07-04 01:04 (link)
no, Tinkblah is my friend, however I have no clue who the other one is

for my own safety, please
2004-07-04 01:23 (link)
if you are willing to make a list of people to 'keep tabs on', all I'm wondering is why you aren't on that list yourself. I assume that this is for others to look at and possibly avoid these people too, and as far as looking out for public safety, I happen to find you lame, annoying, and unintellegent. Therefore, for the well being of everyone else, you need to add a name to your list, your own.

2004-07-04 02:42 (link)
Well, damn. I've always thought of myself as interesting, lame, annoying and unintelligent. I guess I didn't excell in one of the qualities enough to warrant inclusion in your little club.

And I really wanted to be a part of your childish games, too.

Ah well.

2004-07-04 15:59 (link)
sorry this is for an exclusive group of people

2004-07-04 16:02 (link)
So I gathered. It's so exclusive that one of them doesn't even know who the hell you are or why you included them in your silly little lj friends list. Congratulations on making yourself look like a plebian.

You've created a nice little comity of errors here. Bravo.

2004-07-04 16:38 (link)
and you would give a fuck because?

I mean seriously, esides making me laugh what purpose does your comment here have?

2004-07-04 16:45 (link)
That was exactly the point. I bring humor and mirth to all the world.

But seriously, besides making me laugh what purpose does this LJ account serve? You don't know even half the people listed, yet you claim they make LJ "suck". I'm just trying to wrap my head around it, but I seem to be lacking the lobe that's apparently dedicated to processing "foolish grade school drama freak" impulses.

Enlighten me - other than being obvious flamebait, what use is this account?

2004-07-04 16:52 (link)
you might try...

this LJ serves a great purpose for me.

And I know enough about these people.

and my use of this account is my own bussiness

2004-07-04 17:00 (link)
Well, good luck with whatever it is that you aim to do.
Your "great purpose" that is being attended to must be very grand and satisfying, especially since it can be met so easily by getting to know "these people" through posts they deem to be seen by the public, rather than getting to know them.

Of course your use of this account is your own business, I never claimed otherwise. I simply asked for an explanation. Keep on with your masturbatory ego stroking little girl, as it is obviously a worthy endeavor. I'll leave you to yourself from now on, as I won't be getting a straight answer from you.

You've bored me, I find your boring, you are a bore.

2004-07-04 17:03 (link)
I don't like getting to know lame ass people.

you really don't have a life do you? So which of these people on my list are you? you want to know why you're on the list, then tell me which one you are.

2004-07-04 17:09 (link)
Wait a minute... You mean you actively search out people you wish to avoid?

Then, AND THEN!, you accuse someone calling you on your bullshit of having no life? I'm not telling you shit until you own up to the fact that you're a silly little girl that got her e-panties in a virtual bunch.

Bitch, please.

See, I don't even know you and I just wrecked your shit on your little journal. Go add "the entire fucking human race" to your interests so as to avoid any further reasonable discussions.

2004-07-04 17:35 (link)
Nope these are people I have come across and dislike

lol. think what you want. and my panties are just fine.

you know me. does this ring a bell?

2004-07-04 17:16 (link)
actually he happens to be on my friends list. someone who actually knows opposed toyou who assumes you know something about me from what, I assume you know me from so political stand point, since ive looked at your slam list and compared them, as well as the fact that you can't read my journal. funny, you havn't the courage to tell me who you are or how you could possibly know me...cowards often hide behind ambiguity and pettiness.

2004-07-04 10:57 (link)
God, the hilarity! A journal full of people you don't like! How original an insult! The irony gags me! Another serial adder, only through INTERESTS this time! You're so CLEVER! I admire your lack of HIGHER BRAIN FUNCTION! Maybe it came from participating in too many GYMNASTICS! (That thar was an insult...get it? Har har?!)

I really hope you fall on your head, assuming you have one and know where it's located (check your ass) - maybe it'll knock something back into place.

2004-07-04 16:03 (link)
yes a journal to keep track of the people that make live journal suck.

I have never participated in gymnastics though I do admire the sport.

your comment, though irrelevant, was interesting.

2004-07-04 16:13 (link)
Cut to 30 years down the road, with poor Lindsy at home alone with her two dozen cats wondering why she has no special person in her life.

2004-07-04 16:39 (link)
who the hell is lindsy?

2004-07-04 17:21 (link)
wrong journal man, this particular cheerleader and paragon of the intelligent and interesting people is named Stacy...or Anastasia. Lindsey is a friend of Tinkblahs, one of her'd better be careful friend or she may put you on her ignoble list for being unintelligent.

2004-07-04 17:32 (link)
woops my bad...that was in stacy's journal. how do you know someone well enought to write something about them and then...not know who they are? even mistakenly...*sigh* on a side note tho stacy seems to have A friend...who's so original that her interest's are the same as Anna' the appear to be suffering from the same lack of social obligations....and likely a cowardly wench as well.

Then there was more deleting:

2004-07-04 17:48 (link)
interesting. she cant deal with people calling her on her flaws so she deletes comments and her own statements in hopes that noone will see her cowardice and general lameness...lest she be forced to add herself to her list. i said, ambiguity and cowardice. you are truly the epitome of honorless...and apparently ashamed of her own words....not that this will be seen for long.

2004-07-04 17:50 (link)
yes and your comments hurt me oh so much.

you ever think that maybe I don't wish to save and cherrish your lame comments?

2004-07-04 17:55 (link)
no its very eveident that you cant take the criticism...intelligent people offering constructive all of your comments are posted in quite a few journals...and because you are completely without honor or dignity and further more dont treat the world with the same.

2004-07-04 17:56 (link)
oh no!!!!!!!!!!! whatever shall I do.

honestly does my journal bug you that much?

2004-07-04 18:05 (link)
not so much, but it does amuse me that you target people who "make LJ lame" and yet you don't have the integrity to leave peoples oppinions of you up in what you have made a public forum...and then took the very substance of LJ, deleted the thoughts of others....and you are some how....not lame? I mean what did these people on your friends list do? did they defend gays? did they offend your religion in some way? did they touch you in naughty places? or did they reject you in some way that makes you sad and lonely? i do feel sorry for you. but i do notice that someone on that list has good friends and a good should find someone special.)
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