No, really.
Harshest winter in years (in 100 years in China).
Returning Arctic Sea ice (thicker than before).
Incomplete climate models (that don't account for wind).
Record solar inactivity (least activity in 150 years).
Too bad the debate on global warming is over.
Comments 13
It is?
My understanding is that global climate change spawns extreme weather, of varying temperatures.
The thing about this article is that it's using a logical argument - the claims for global warming have primarily been the onset of unusually warmer climates, in so many words. So, by the same logic, one could also claim the onset of a new iceage due to the number of research points listed in the article, not the least of which is record lows all over the place.
While it's not a scientific paper refuting the claim to global warming, it is an opinion piece citing results opposite one would expect in the often touted global warming scenario, and actually indicitive of the polar opposite (pun!) to global warming.
Anyhow, one would be equally dumb to say there is no climate change whatsoever. The arguments against global warming are (or should be) of the political variety. Global warming is not as severe and urgent as GWers like to claim, and even if it were, it's not worth ruining our economy over; the tradeoff just isn't ( ... )
As for the winter, global warming doesn't preclude harsh winters. It makes them less likely, but since when have we been any good at predicting the weather? Summers are still getting's just getting more extreme in general. Hell, weather patterns are changing as rainfall shifts to different regions. Which, as I understand it, is expected by global warming.
I believe this is the original reference for the effect of wind on ocean currents:
So far as I can tell, the only reference it makes to man made climate change is with respect to the rate of ocean temperate change and to the effect of the ozone hole on how temperatures change in different hemispheres.
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