for once, i gotta disagree with ann

Feb 01, 2008 10:56

No, not you, annicat.

Apparently on Hannity and Colmes recently (last night), Ann Coulter made a pretty startling statement. Yes, she's known for that, but it's usually liberals that are shocked and appalled by what she's saying. This time I gotta shake my head. Even if you don't like her, this is pretty entertaining.

image Click to view

If you cannot bear to watch, she says that Hillary is more conservative than McCain and that she'd vote for - and even campaign for (though I'm sure that's her normal hyperbole) - Hillary if McCain is the nominee.

And she's not alone. There are a lot of conservatives saying that at least if we had Hillary, the liberal policies we'd get would be coming from the Democrats and we'd likely get Congress back in two years to balance her out. If McCain is elected, he'd simply harm the values of the base of the Republican party. And Hannity is right: Immigration, Free Speech, Tax Cuts, ANWR, Interrogations - these are not small issues to conservatives.

But Coulter alleges that Hillary would be stronger on the war on terror, and there I need to break with her. Perhaps in the long term, you don't want this "maverick" (aka, liberal stooge) harming the conservative movement, but in the short term, there's a war on. And as much as I disagree with his domestic policy positions, I think his foreign policy is great. He could have been slightly more diplomatic with his criticisms of Rumsfeld's strategy, but he was dead right. It wasn't working. The surge did. I hated his immigration bill. I hate his Campaign Finance Reform. I hate that he's against drilling in ANWR. I hate that he voted against the Bush tax cuts. But he is strong on the war on terror and he's against a nationalized health care system that drive up taxes and health care costs, and to me, those two issues are more important than the rest (perhaps even the rest combined).

I usually agree with you, Ann (and Malkin, by the way). Today I gotta disagree. I'd really prefer Romney in the White House, as he's the only true conservative left, but between the Maverick and the White Witch, I'll take Maverick any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

coulter, 2008, election, politics

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