jumping SCHIP

Oct 09, 2007 10:43

Sorry, but I can't endure all the left's rhetoric about how heartless Bush doesn't care about the "poor" children without health insurance anymore. This story illustrates how ridiculous this issue has become.

The important bits:
On September 29th, 12 year old Graeme Frost of Maryland got to do the Democrats' radio address, in which he told his story of how he and his sister were seriously injured in a car accident, and if it hadn't been for SCHIP, they wouldn't be here today. So who is this 12 year old? The Baltimore Sun did a story on the family, in which it stated the family couldn't get health insurance through their work. But the article left out quite a few important, and interesting, bits of information, which Freeper, icwhatudo, managed to find while googling:

First, Mr. Halsey Frost, Graeme's father, owns his own woodworking design studio, Frostworks, so his claim that he can't get health insurance through work is shockingly deceptive. He chooses not to get health care for his family. Second, Graeme and his sister Gemma attend the very exclusive Park School, which has a tuition of $20,000 a year, per child. Third, they live in a 3,000+ square foot home in a neighborhood with smaller homes that are selling for at least $400,000.

So because this small business owner chooses not to buy health insurance for his family, and instead chooses to spend $40K per year on private school tuition and live in a $400K home, the people of Maryland paid for his kids hospital bills. Wonderful system we have here. Oh, and his expenses were covered WITHOUT the increase to SCHIP that the heartless Bush vetoed last week.

I realize that one story is anecdotal evidence and does not prove a case, but since *this* is the case that Maryland Democrats chose to use as their mouthpiece, I have no problem attacking it as BS.

socialism, healthcare, schip, politics

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