my response to all of this

May 23, 2007 21:56

There has been a little bit of drama around my Live Journal circle as of late and it seems that I'm in the cause of it this time. Hold on tight because this is going to be a long ride.

what happened
I recently made some comments on resk's post regarding a recent article by conservative political pundit Ann Coulter. I won't go into the details of those discussions - you can read them for yourself if you so desire. Suffice it to say that, as happens quite often around here, I presented my opinions and beliefs and they happen to be very different from most of the people commenting and this started some passionate discussions.

Yesterday, I was surprised to see a post with my name in the subject line. In it, resk mentioned that some people were very upset by some of my comments to that post and that they were considering removing me from their LJ friends list. He then gave a short but touching statement in my defense. Again, I'll leave it to the interested reader to read that post and move on.

preliminary housekeeping
Before I continue, I must first and foremost do a little housekeeping.

I cannot apologize for my beliefs and opinions, nor do I wish anyone else to do so. That said, I do sincerely apologize if the way I've presented my beliefs and opinions has resulted in hurt feelings or upset emotions. It is not my intent to cause anyone pain or sorrow by discussing my thought and opinions on controversial subjects. More on my motives in a bit. I also urge anyone who feels upset or angry about something I said to re-read my comments very carefully as I've heard some pretty wild interpretations of comments I've supposedly made.

If you have removed me from your LiveJournal friend's list, I hold no grudge. I see the friends list as an easy way to easily read several blogs and keep in touch and stay up to date with several people. If you are not interested in what I have to say for whatever reason, that's certainly your prerogative not to have my posts (an increasing number of which, I'll be the first to admit, purposefully "stir the pot" so to speak) appear on your friend's page.

my comments on that post
I could sit here try to defend my comments and continue the subject of Ann Coulter, but I don't think that's really necessary right now. I know she evokes a certain response from some people and that's why I haven't posted (to my recollection) about my affinity for her work until making those comments the other day. So for now, I'm simply going to offer a brief clarification before dropping the subject for an undetermined amount of time.

The clarification is simply this: enjoying someone's work does not equal shutting off one's brain and taking everything in that work as (pardon the expression) Gospel truth. I take everything I read and listen to with a grain of salt. I analyze. I process. I am quite able to say to myself "I don't agree with that statement [word choice, etc.]" and still appreciate the rest with which I agree. In this particular case, I am also able to appreciate over-the-top, Family-Guy-like humor. I do not expect everyone to be able to accept this type of humor or even recognize it as a valid form of humor. What I do expect - or at least what I hope - is that just because you take something literally and deadly seriously, it doesn't mean that everyone else does. In other words, while you parse a statement as a serious call to action, I may parse it as a joke and move on.

That's really all I want to say about the specific subject of the recent discussion. If anyone wishes to speak further about it, feel free to email me. Or heck, make a post or comment and we'll see if I feel like jumping back into it.

the "defense" post
Next I need to specifically address the content and comments on resk's post entitled In defense of caspian_x.

Thank you, resk for making that statement in my defense. I didn't realize how much my words had affected some people so I thank you for bringing my attention to it, but I also thank you for being able to completely disagree with me and still respect my opinion. In that vein, thank you to everyone who commented with kind words as to my character. I don't deserve half the things you people said about me and I am very touched (and slightly embarrassed) to read them. Seeing so many people, most of whom disagree with me vehemently on certain Important Subjects, speak well of me and express respect... well it was very touching. I could go on a very sappy tangent saying how much you people, most of whom I have met in person but several of whom I have not, mean to me - but there is much to say and I don't think anyone wants to read my overly verbose sap. So I will simply say Thank You with a capital T and Y. You have no idea (or maybe you do) how much a simple comment of support like that can mean.

why i do what i do
This time the discussion/argument/debate/comment storm/whatever was not actually on my journal, but it still stemmed from a comment I made that I knew would likely cause a flurry of discussion. My journal entries as of late have been increasingly about controversial subjects on which I know I have very different beliefs and opinions than many people that read and comment on my blog. Why do I stir up trouble like this?

At a recent work training session in NY, I took a short but Supposedly Official MBTI test. My results indicated that I am type ENTJ: extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judging (no, this does not mean judgmental). I usually tend to be very skeptical of tests like this because my answer to any particular question so highly depends on the situation that I end up contradicting myself or over-thinking. However, something the explanation of ENTJ types really caught my eye:

ENTJs love, and are energized by, stimulating interactions with people. They often challenge people's statements and behaviors, expecting that others will defend them and that, as a result, mutual learning will take place. ENTJs admire and seek out people who are knowledgeable and who stand up to them, say what they think, and argue persuasively.

This statement has made me give much more credence to these tests. This describes why I like to argue better than I could have said it myself. Many of my core beliefs have been strengthened simply by getting into discussions, debates, and yes even arguments with people. Sometimes I only had gut feelings and it wasn't until I was forced to articulate my thoughts in a discussion with someone who completely disagreed that I was able to put them into words. In addition, I am very interested in knowing why people who hold different and sometimes opposite views than I do believe what they believe. As much as my argumentative nature and competitive tendencies may mask it, I am usually genuinely interested in why the people that disagree with me do so. In short, I enjoy the "mutual learning" that takes place in arguments.

Now, if I am honest, I will also admit that I am extremely competitive and that arguing a point that I firmly believe is right is an ego stroke. I make no denial there. It's a fault I need to work on and it sometimes turns the tone of discussion into a less constructive tone that it could be. That said, I still enjoy the debate for the reasons mentioned above.

moving on
I guess I've exhausted all I want to say about this recent LJ activity. If anyone has a problem with me or something I've said, I welcome a private or open discussion about it. If you simply wish to not hear from me anymore, go ahead and de-friend me, I'll not hold a grudge. I agree with the many people who commented yesterday that it is beneficial to have differing opinions and views in your life and that removing people with whom you disagree is not very beneficial to you, but I also understand that sometimes, you just can't take a certain person's opinions. It's cool.

If you don't want to be that drastic, but if you simply don't enjoy the discussions and arguments that I do, feel free to just ignore such posts. I generally make it pretty clear if the subject matter is going to be controversial very soon into the post. That said, I really appreciate the people who do have differing views and opinions than I, argue with me, and continue to respect me and my beliefs. For many reasons I won't get into now, I find the Internet to be a superb medium for these types of discussions. I hope to have many more and to gain a better understanding of the people around here as I do.

debate, lj, friends, discussion, argument

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