getting nervy

Jul 11, 2006 06:56

Today is Round One in the attempt to secure a full-time job with the Compnay I currently work for. I should explain. I am currently an intern for the summer, my fourth internship "term" at this Company. I graduate in December with a degree in Computer Engineering. I am looking to go into an entry-level training and leadership program in which I would have four 6-month assignments in different parts of the business, which has a two-fold benefit: I get exposure to a variety of different teams and work areas to better find my best fit and I get to network with four different teams who (hopefully) will all want me to come work for them when I come off-program. In addition, they provide TONS of free training. We're talking graduate-level class-and-homework style Engineering and Leadership training - so much that it earns 6 graduate level credits toward a Master's degree! It is a HUGE opportunity. The goal of the program is to give you five years effecitve experience in two years. People coming off the program are HIGHLY sought after in this and even in other companies. The catch: they only take about 20 people per year. I'm guessing that about 75-100 will be applying.

So today is Round One. It's really not that big of a deal yet. All the leadership programs (there are others besides the Engineering one I'm looking to enter - Operations, IT, Finance) have a sort of career fair where they set up tables and the interns (we have about 200 this summer at our various sites) can come submit their resume and learn a bit about the programs. Having been an intern at the Company for a cumulative...I dunno...80 weeks over the last 2 years, I know a lot about the program already. But it's probably important that I ask some Intelligent Questions to create some face time between me and the program leader because he next step in this process is that the program leader sits down with the intern coordinator and some other people (not sure who, really) and wades through the resumes and recommendation letters and decides who gets an interview. Although I'm fairly confident that I'll at least get an interview, I am still quite nervous because if I don't - that's it. The process ends and I go looking for a direct hire. Not that that would be the End Of The World, but it'd really be a shame because this program, as stated, is a Huge Opportunity.

So I'm a bit nervy. Wish me luck. Prayers appreciated even more.

In other news, yesterday was a great ARG day. I've been getting back into EDOC Laundry lately and we had all been stumped on a catchy little ditty of a puzzle for almost two weeks now. Even after a few in-game hints, we were still stuck and most of us could not get the blasted thing to stop playing over and over in our heads. Finally, scarpe_scrappy conjectures a possible solution method right before Real Life distracts her, so I take over the decoding with her ingenius method and the puzzle is finally solved. So I guess that's a partial solve for me, although like I said, the real brain work was done by scarpe_scrappy. Still, after a haitus in active ARG participation, it felt good to help move things along. And now I'm a contributor to the official EDOC Guide, a first for me in the ARG world. So color me excited.

If any of you ARG people have not been playing EDOC, now is a GREAT time to get caught up. Season One is pretty much over and we're waiting for Season Two to begin. In the mean time we're being treated to a smattering of character interaction and a very clever non-clothing puzzle which I'm guessing will be the first of several until the summer (or is it the fall) line is released to the fashion hungry ARG players.

Alright, time to make sure my shirt and pants are pressed and drink some serious coffee.

edoc, arg, work, job

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