
Jun 15, 2006 08:21

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is mirlandano friends with thebruce0? of course
2) If phaedra_amunet were hanging off a cliff, what would scarpe_scrappy do? pull her up using with her way cool belt, which has nothing to hide
3) What is karlkarlbobarl's favorite food? judging by location: brats, cheese, and beer
4) If atothek and thunderclap8 were spliced together, what would it be like? like that bouncing ball that everyone follows...only cooler
5) Would prof_fuyutsuki go out with perfect_autumn? hmmm...i don't see why not, except for the whole marriage thing
6) How many monkeys could dancingkids fight at once and win against? when the monkeys threaten her pastries, there's no telling what she can and will do
7) Which president would egoism be likely to idolize? President Samuel L Jackson
8) If incyr took over the world, who would suffer? those who cannot spell on IM
9) What planet should hmrpita be from? Coral. Definitely Coral.
10) What is lakilika's favorite movie? dirty dancing
11) Could you see ozy_y2k6 and perfect_autumn together? hmmm...only if i squint
12) Does lakilika drink? um
13) Have you flirted with scarpe_scrappy? at this very moment
14) Do you have phaedra_amunet's screenname? yes, and she can have it back for a small fee
15) What is thajinx allergic to? BEES!
16) What do you agree with ozy_y2k about? Carrying pizza boxes (boxen) through Chicago isn't exactly fun, but somebody's got to do it.
17) Did mirlandano break up with you? It was more of a mutual arrangment...*sob*
18) Would egoism be a better ninja or pirate? Definitely a ninja.
19) Are shad_0 and lakilika going out? shhh... no one is supposed to know
20) Is wicket912 introverted or extroverted? extroverted
21) Thoughts on lakilika? hyper, horny, hyper-horny, honest and FUN
22) If atdt1991 had a superpower, what would it be? super ninja-like stealth. and a fearsome deathgrip, which could be controlled into the world's best bear hug
23) Would ariock and phaedra_amunet look good together? i think so
24) Is perfect_autumn your best friend? she would be if i ever got to taste her cooking
25) If incyr took over the world, who would be happy? everyone! (except the aforementioned people with the inability to spell on IM)


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