fire, brimstone, and racism

Apr 29, 2008 08:31

Question: Reverend Jeremiah Wright - legitimate political issue or distraction?

If you were about to say distraction, and you are an Obama acolyte, you may wish to hold thy tongue.

Obama, who has distanced himself from Wright's more controversial comments, said yesterday that people were legitimately offended by the reverend's comments, and that makes it a "legitimate political issue."

So what say you? Are people's concerns about the ravings of Obama's spiritual mentor legitimate, or is everyone who is concerned about it simply seizing upon the issue in a standard game of political hackery?

UPDATE: I don't know why I try to make these points myself when George Will makes them so much better.

[Wright] is a demagogue with whom Obama has had a voluntary 20-year relationship that implies, if not moral approval, certainly no serious disapproval. Wright also is an ongoing fountain of anti-American and, properly understood, anti-black rubbish. His Monday speech demonstrated that he wants to be a central figure in this presidential campaign. He should be.

Sing it, George.

obama, politics

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