Jun 18, 2008 18:14
Well, Amanda and I broke up.
I think we were stretching out the inevitable.
She was amazing, but these things happen.
I hope her and I can still be friends, and stuff.
We haven't talked since the break-up though, hm.
No more girlfriends for me for awhile.
I can't put her, Michael, AND myself in that situation.
But, I still have my eye out, haha.
Michael and I are doing pretty good.
We're going to Hawaii 26 June, and coming back 12 July.
It'll be a good trip for us, I hope.
We need to get out of here, we need a new environment.
We're both getting better.
He's my only one, as I am his.
So, I'm thinking I failed Algebra 2.
Well, second semester, at least.
And got a D in History.
My only bad grades.
I got a B or C in German, B in Bio, and A in English
I was focused on Bio and English all year, and the other classes just fell short.
It sucks, but I already told my parents.
And they handled it better than I thought.
But I'm sure once they see my grades on paper, they'll freak out.
I have to retake Algebra 2 at Moorpark College.
As summer school, and Adult School, don't have it as a course.
It sucks, I passed first semester, but have to retake the whole years worth, ugh.
I'll live.
I've been wanting a job for awhile now.
As I want to be able to buy my own stuff.
I need a new iPod, Michael broke his, so he's using mine, but broke mine, haha.
Well, they aren't BROKEN, just, only one headphone works.
I don't know how he did it, haha, oh well.
And I want a new camera, since I'm taking Digital Photography next year.
I want the Nikon D60 DSLR SO bad, haha.
Meh, we'll see how everything goes.
Hey, Chelsea, you're amazing, I can't stress that enough.
And the band House Vs. Hurricane is SOO fucking good, my god.
I know their whole EP already [:
Still having body problems, haha.
And I've been talking to the Jason kid from Jared's kickback, he says he's "in love with me".
Him and Michael have talked about me, and "how prefect" I am.
It's weird /:
And I carved again.
On my left thigh this time, though.
It says LIFE, the two on my right thigh say MICHAEL and LOVE.
I did an X on the palm of my hand last November, and stupid things on my webbing of my left thumb, haha.
I think I'm done for awhile, I hope so /: