Jul 17, 2004 23:46
Hiya there...
Since I've been getting my ass chewed out by everyone, I thought I should update my lj and make a post... Here goes.
My lil brother came to visit from AZ. He's been stayign with me for the last month.
I saw Farenheit 911... Saw Spider Man 2. Saw I, Robot. Chased a lying republican that has destroyed ou nation and crumbled our economy in the last 3.5 years all over the state of Wisconsin.
I'm working at the fone center again. Fun.... Fun.... F-... meh.
Moving into my new apartment August 1st. Totally kewl. It has a heated pool, fitness center, club house, new carpets, breakfast barr, cable... It rawks! Arthur (swipe69) is gonna come hang with us at the beginining of the month and help move in and shit.
Anyway, I hafta go to court on Tuesday to try to get some more time to earn some money to get sr-22 insurance so I can have my probation taken off so I don't go to jail. Or osmething like that. I don't know anymore.
I guess that's about it in a nut shell.
Hope everyone else has been doing well. WIll talk to you all laterz!