an entrie long overdue

Apr 06, 2004 04:13

There is something that no one ever wants to cover... No one on lj has ever talked about it. You very rarely talk about it with your pals at work or family at home. I bet you don't even talk about it with your friends. You never see it in movies, never read it in books, and never hear about it in the news or in the news paper... I've never heard a priest talk about it even.

Going to the restroom.

That's right. It's a subject never covered. Have you ever read a book where a character has gone to the restroom? Have you ever seen a movie or television show where a character goes to the restroom (unless something else happens there)? Has your pastor ever talked about waste emittin from the human body? I didn't think so.

Is it that people don't use the restroom in real life? I think not. I know I do. I have seen other people use public restrooms and have even had to clean a few. I know it's done.

So why is such a normal piece of our everyday life not talked about in our lives? Do you think it's gross? Do you think it's not natural? Well, I'm sorry, but it's normal and EVERYONE does it and I'm gonna take this time to talk about it damnit!

I use the restroom everyday. That's right. I, Joshua, visit the restroom on a regular basis, everyday. I don't really do much in there, besides the usual deposit and flush of bodily waste, but I still go there.

I have noticed that I tend to have to urinate more when I'm at home then out in public. I also have to go at least once every time I work, if not more. There hasn't been a single movie I've gone to see that I haven't had to stop by the restroom after the film (but never during!). I also tend to have to perform what we'll call "operation #2" (for the weak-stomached) about once a day... Sometimes a few more and sometimes not at all, but on average, once a day.

I tend not to go to the restroom when I go out to eat, though it has happened a few times. I also don't usually visit the comode when I go shopping, but, once again, I'm not disincluding it for those urgent times. Gas stations are a half and half situation, but those restrooms kinda freak me out a bit. I also try to avoid restrooms in parks and at skewls our of fears that I produced as a child.

Sometimes, as a boi, it's okay to urinate if outdoors, but try to keep your machinery out of sight of others and be sure not to hit anything valuble or where peeps might hafta sit or walk. You should never perform "operation #2" oudoors unless you have NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE!!!

It's okay sometimes to urinate in swimming pools or lakes, but only if the swimming pool or lake is large enough. Never urinate in small pools cause that's just icky and NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE perform "operation #2" in a pool or lake... Then again, I never swim in lakes, so do whatever you please there. I just didn't advize it if you get caught.

I do go to the restroom at friend's houses, though try not to have to perform "operation #2" if at all possible. Sometimes, I have to though. Usually, it's not a concern, as I don't emit much vulgar odor, but it's always a concern when it happens...

Anyway, I think that about covers it - from my end at least. If you have any questions, you know where to reach me... I guess I'll see you later, or when you get done in there. Josh
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