April Challenge

May 06, 2010 00:02


Characters/Pairing: Jazz/Prowl, Sari, Bee, Bulkhead

Rating: K+

Warnings: None
Disclamer: TF:A is copywrited by hasbro


::: Earth :::

Night had fallen over Detroit and in a warehouse on the outskirts of town the peace and quiet had, for the most part, lulled the occupants into a peaceful recharge. For one mech however recharge was fleeting.

Prowl vented a sigh as he reluctantly onlined his optics, the last couple of hours had been very frustrating for the ninja as recharge remained stubbornly out of reach. Sighing again Prowl slowly eased off his berth and moved to the center of his room before sinking down in meditative pose. The dark ninja would have liked to be able to claim ignorance as to the cause of his sleeplessness but simply recalling the day’s events provided a clear answer.


Morning had dawned quietly for a change as Bumblebee, having spent the night at Sumdac Tower, was not in residence. Prowl had spent an hour in peaceful meditation before heading out on patrol. The first leg of his route passed by without incident and in no time at all the motorcycle was pulling up the Detroit police station. After parking behind the police chief’s car Prowl didn’t have long to wait before the Captain Fanzone exited the station. Instead of getting in his car however the Captain moved to stand next to Prowl.

Seeing that Fanzone wanted to talk Prowl transformed before kneeling down and asking, “Was there any trouble last night that I should be aware of?” Cpt. Fanzone shook his head and replied, “For once we actually some peace and quiet, and from the looks of things nothing’s going to happen today.” Prowl frowned, “Then why did you want to talk to me?” “Because I’m giving you mechs the next few days off,” seeing that the ninja was going to protest Fanzone quickly continued, “Seeing as the Decepticons  are still licking their wounds from your last confrontation and the SVU crooks are still in prison, there’s nothing that my men can’t handle.” Seeing the determined look in Fanzone’s eyes Prowl sighed, “Alright. Would you like me to pass the message on to my team?”  The Captain nodded, and making a distinct shooing motion headed toward his car. Prowl transformed and hesitated just long enough to watch the captain depart before heading back to base.

When Prowl pulled into the base he barely had time to transform before he was accosted by a pair of excited blurs. “Guess what…!” “You won’t believe what I heard!” Once Prowl got his bearings back the blurs resolved themselves into Bee and Sari, both wore grins that stretched from ear to ear. Before either of them had a chance to speak again Bulkhead thundered into the room, “Hey Prowl! Boss-bot just heard from the Elite guard, Jazz is being stationed here and he’s gonna’ be here in three days!”

**End Flashback**

Prowl sighed as he pulled himself out of the memory, once he had heard the news about their new addition he had given Fanzone’s message to Optimus then locked himself in his room to meditate. The fact that Jazz would be joining the team deeply bothered Prowl; so much so that he had spent the rest of day in a troubled haze.

He had first met the other ninja shortly after he started his training with Yoketron, and to say they got off to a rocky start could be the understatement of the century. Up till the day he left on his optics quest Prowl couldn’t remember ever getting along with Jazz. The last time he had seen the white ninja hadn’t ended well, Yoketron had had to separate them after their shouting match turned physical. To this day Prowl thought Jazz was a self-centered, egotistical, show-off. Unfortunately this didn’t explain why their meeting on earth a few months ago had changed things. To make matters worse Prowl wasn’t even sure what had changed, he knew that Jazz was acting differently toward him but the Elite guard hadn’t stayed long enough to figure out why; he supposed that he would have to wait till Jazz actually got here to find out. Deciding that attempting to recharge would be futile Prowl settled into a deep meditation for the rest of the night.

::: Elite Guard Shuttle; In route to Earth :::

Music played at full volume filling the small spacecraft with a wild beat that made thinking nearly impossible; to the shuttle’s lone occupant this was a very good thing. The white ninja known as Jazz was attempting not to think about a certain problem of his, thus far he was currently proving the theory that trying not to think about a problem just makes it more likely that you will think about it. Several hours later Jazz finally gave into the inevitable, switching the music to a calmer track the white ninja considered his problem. Jazz had initially been thrilled when he was told he was being stationed on Earth, the thrill lasted until he remembered that he was on earth. The fact that Prowl was apparently part of Optimus’s team, how that happened he had yet to discover, had put a damper on Jazz’s mood.

Jazz had been mid-way through his training under Yoketron when Prowl had first arrived at the dojo… in stasis cuffs. Apparently Prowl was originally destined for prison after one too many minor offences, when his sensei had intervened in the proceedings. Normally Jazz was an easy going mech, but Prowl got under his plating. In fact the last time Jazz had seen Prowl before he was sent on his optics quest ended with Yoketron bodily separating them when the verbal sparring stopped being verbal. As far as Jazz was concerned Prowl was a cocky, arrogant, hot head, and that was never going to change. If someone had told him that the prospect of meeting the dark ninja again could send thrills of both anticipation and trepidation down his spinal relays he would have laughed outright. After that week on Earth though, Jazz had to admit that he wasn’t prepared for the changes between them. Jazz was even positive that if you asked him to define those changes he wouldn’t be able to. The white ninja sighed, leaned back in his chair, and then he remotely switched the music back to his original playlist and cranked the volume to the limit. As the wild beat filled the cabin Jazz decided that the heavy thinking could wait till he’d had a chance to reassess the situation with Prowl.

::: Earth; Three Days Later :::

After the dust from the day’s activities, namely the landing of one elite guard shuttle and the disembarkment and subsequent installing of its single passenger in the room prepared for him, had settled a pair of ninjas sized each other up in a not so subtle attempt to sort out what had changed between them. Both eventually came to the conclusion the other had over the intervening years done some growing while all thing considered their original assessments of each hadn’t changed. They both also came to the realization that without meaning to they had become something a bit more than friends, as both in their cold assessments of each other actually knew more about the other than anyone else.

Jazz looked across the room to where his dark counterpart sat perched among the lower braches of his tree, meeting Prowl’s gaze he asked the question the hung between them, “So what do we do now?” Prow considered the question before replying, “I suppose we’ll have to take this one day at a time.” Jazz grinned at the response; he was answered by the slow smile that appeared on Prowl’s face.

prowl, fanfic, jazz

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