Boyfriend's Plot Bunny & Ideas

May 17, 2011 22:11

My boyfriend's contributions to the fandom. :)

Super SEAL Steve (like Scuba Steve) in his years of secret SEAL training was part of elite group paired with flipper-like dolphin teams. Since his departure from special team, he's lost contact with dolphin companion (reason why there is no dolphin on show). On a stormy night, his former dolphin companion comes to him, using high pitched squeaks and flipper-like sign language to communicate underwater with, he relays to Steve a plot by sperm whales to create a tsunami-like wave that will take out Hawaii's early warning system in the pacific theater of operations. So that the sperm whales can hijack a Russian nuclear sub, stealing the nukes and using them to hold Japan's whaling industry hostage.It falls on Super SEAL Steve and his Hawaiian Ninja with her ninjutsu training to defeat the whales. In the meanwhile, Danno's daughter is on a whale watching ship that is kidnapped and held by the whales. Can Kim prevent a retaliation from the whale hunters while Super Seal Steve and dolphin companion battle to save the sub?
Steve has upset the Hawaiian Gods. He offended the small rock which in turn contacted the large rock which loosened and hit him in the face then that rock contacted the larger rock and the larger rock made it break his arm. Initially upset of the talking rock. Now find out that Wo Wo Fat has a rock garden and he's taking orders from the rocks. At some point a rock will have a significant part in the season premiere.

A Rock conspiracy. It may stem back from his arrogance by talking to that first rock a while ago.

Did the governor had a pet rock? Wo Wo Fat will definitely be connected to the rocks. Trace it back to Steve abusing his pet rock.

If there's a rock in the season premiere it's my rock.

boyfriend, plot bunnies

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