Happy holidays!

Dec 24, 2012 13:47

Today my family celebrates Christmas. We do it early, that's a whole other story as to why. Anyway, postcards have been sent off a couple of weeks ago or was it last week? Let me know when you get it and if you like it. I tried to choose images that corresponded with what I knew about the person.

So what am I up? Well health wise I have a kidney infection (?), at least according to my doctor. The stomach pain that I've had is now present only in stressful situations. All of the tests that were done to find out what was wrong came out to be normal.

Fandom wise? I've noticed a few of my fandoms have gotten drama. I haven't been watching Hawaii five-0. Can anyone tell me if it's still worth watching? The last episode I watched was the Halloween one or was it the one with the bomb. Not sure which came later. I have been watching elementary, which I enjoy a lot. It's taken the need to watch Sherlock away though nothing beats BBC Sherlock. I've watched season 1 of Lost Girl. How did I not know about this show sooner? Also started to watch the new Nikita. I'm still getting used to Maggie Q as Nikita.

I currently have a bunch of WIPs. One of which is the incubus!Stiles and another is set in the president!danny universe. There are others but those are the ones that I'm actively working on.

Family - mom's okay. Sebastian is such a trouble maker. He gets into everything. He's also been bringing up pieces of old wood from the basement. Not sure why but he does that. I'll try to post some pics over at photobucket this week and link them here.

Anyway, happy holidays everyone!

P.S. I've started to write up a post about using psychology in fanfiction.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.


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