Does anyone still follow this?
I swear I'm still alive and doing art and will have SO MUCH to show you all when I'm finished, but right now I'm so caught up in the madness I barely have time to check or type up anything. I'm still on the brink of a mental breakdown, but I'm almost caught up with everything for school, but then we also have these other projects because you see...
Bethy is doing some awesome stuff
I have three video games and a short film, all made by students that want me to do concept art/storyboards for them, and I am absolutely stoked to get to work on those projects. However, this is going to eat up my time like... no idea. I may even have to turn some of them down or only do a little bit of art. Problem is everyone seems to be jumping on me to do art for them! Ohgeez!
I really miss just getting to sketch for myself... I've lost the fun and details I used to be able to do, and I need to learn to slow down and put in details again... I just miss being able to do my relaxation drawing, instead of rushed work drawing. Oh well. ANYHOO. I do have art...
I'm fleshing out Makotu for my conceptual illustration class, here's all the stuff I've been doing for that.
Polished this one off some more :D I really want to go back in and add 10x more detail though.
Decided to throw in some sketches of Kirstin too... I feel like my proportions on people are still wrong, but I'm getting there... don't even dare ask me to shade faces xD
And one more Oir because I can...
I'm going to go back to work now... or go faint or collapse or something...