So I'm going to cover all my life, art, and job bases with one post here, because I'm short on time as is but still like yakking about the things that go on in my little corner of the world.
I got the job! The carriage tour job :D it's different work/hours than I was guessing, as in I'll be selling tickets and probably still have to work evenings, but at least I'll probably be able to get actual part time hours. And they have a monthly schedule, which will be so much easier to work around then the weekly madness I had to go through with Subway. Not to mention chatting it up with tourists and people to see who wants to take a carriage ride sounds a lot less hectic than trying to battle a line of hungry people during a lunch rush. My pay will drop from $7.50 to $6.00 an hour however, (plus $.50 for every adult ticket sold) so I'm not quite sure if I'll be making the same amount of money or not, we'll see... and my bank account had finally broken $600 for the first time in...... two years....... yeah, my "get a car someday" dreams are so laughable it's a wonder I still browse the for sale adds online every so often. BUT, I have high hopes for this job :D The guy in charge seemed pretty adamant about training me to be an eventual tour driver as well, which sounds pretty darn awesome if I don't say so myself, maybe graduating to that level would include a pay bump too eh? And I'd be an officially liscenced carriage driver with the city of Savannah and all that jazz. That's probably months away however, so I'm just going to mentally brace myself for learning how to sell tickets and rediscovering my horse handling skills.
Moving right along, have a Sketchdump!
My sketching has taken a nose-dive in it's quality, and I have no idea why. Out of practice? Not pushing it enough? Too lazy/tired/etc to put out a good effort? I dunno, but it's mostly degraded into the bare-bones scribbles that are just enough to keep me sane while dealing with class and homework and the stress of everything else I have to deal with.
I started a new moleskine though! And decided to kick it off with a doodle of Green Tea.
Note: The stupid warped corners are no thanks to a downpour of rain going on while I was walking home from class, getting my backpack wet and soaking through to all of my papers. I was so pissed to find everything warped and wet on the bottom later that day.
Next are some Drinel face ideas.
I drew a Taschevah to Drinel size comparison... and then I wanted to have a neat little discussion between a Drocappan, Nimbwe and Pherhosian Drinel, but didn't get around to finishing it.
Thirdworld is started to give me glimpses of what the second world looks like, I'm excited. Imagine giant spires that go up for thousands of miles into a red sky.
I want to think up my own designs for the dragons from Temeraire... I was playing with Imperials, Celestials, Longwings and a bit of Regal Copper at the bottom on the second page.
And then i went pen stupid with more Temeraire ideas. Trying to find a unique body shape for each of the different regions dragon breeds. Personally I really like the little doodle for the French type I did.
This is my "I just found out my ride can't pick me up from the airport and my plane has been delayed and I'm so angry and frustrated I'm just going to bury my head in my sketchbook and draw whatever the hell comes to mind" page.
Oh Homestuck, you're seeping your way into my moleskine too <3 Got a Dave drawing on the bottom left there, and trolls be overtaking the right page! That Feferi sketch is my fave personally.
I've been trying to rediscover Nick, a main character from D-COM who has been neglected a lot as of late. In fact, he was never really fleshed out to begin with, so I'm doing that now. Trying to find a unique face for him with these, I like the one where I shaded in the hair all the way personally..... which is probably why I went the extra step of shading in the hair all the way.
Moar faces. Neil on the top left, more D-COM kids on the bottom right.
Ohsnap, MAOR trolls! Mostly Karkat and Sollux, because Karkat was giving me difficulties and I wanted to get his face/hair figured out. Then I experimented with a lot of different styles for him. I love that Vriska in the bottom corner too.
Lol the notes, let me explain the notes. I went to a presentation/lecture by faith ringgold for Art History, with the intent of taking notes on it in my moleskine, but then they turned off all of the lights so I couldn't see a thing, hence my "wtf is this???" outrage. It left me a big blank page that I filled up with trolls later.
Thumbnails for a class project and an Orator from Thirdworld sketch on the other page. I've FINALLY figured out their designs, so I'm excited.
And that's pretty much it, if I find time I'll try and scan all the gazillions of comic pages I've been doing this quarter. It's been a good excercise to just be doing page after page after page after page, so I can slowly discover what kind of style and voice I want to do with my art. And I'm learning lots about how to draw people, ohboy.
Thanks for looking!