Ok so please tell me there is at least one other person on my friends list who is a follower of Homestuck.
Homestuck being that amazing webcomic which is the current adventure on
MSPaintAdventures.com, and is full of so much epic and suspensefully awesome badassery that I just can't stand it.
Seriously though, I just discovered it a while back because Anavar on DA and a friend were talking about, and after a week straight of reading I was finally caught up and completely. That was the most fun I've had reading something in a long time. It seriously feels good to be a fan of something again, to oogle over the updates and ponder the new plot developements. To chat with other fans and think up fun fan creations and to draw lots of fan art. It's safe to say its filled the Lost hole in my life. I'm even plotting cosplaying some of the characters for halloween or something, because deep down I've always loved the idea of cosplaying (and costumes in general) and they look seriously doable.
In other news: I had some time in Colorado with my family over Christmas which was awesome. Got a crapton of baking stuff for Christmas as well, oh boy, I'm going to have fun in the kitchen now! baked goodies ahoy! Of course it's all still in Colorado, so the baking madness will have to wait until they get shipped to me.
Now I'm just waiting for classes to start up again on Wednesday. I've got Materials and Techniques for Sequential Art... Props, Environments and Structures... and 20th-century Art History lined up for me. fun fun! gonna be a LOT of bristol board I'll have to buy I bet 8E
How was everyone elses Christmas? come away with any sw33t l3ewt?