Lessons To Learn (Chapter 4)

Aug 01, 2015 17:24

Chapter 4

She was looking at him from over her shoulder. “I suggest you keep your eyes on the paper in front of you, and your imagination trained on your two characters rather than on me” she said.
He nodded, and continued.
Kate faced the board again and bit down on her lip. The man had been openly checking her ass out. She closed her eyes for one moment, trying to calm her racing thoughts, but all she could think about was how it would feel to have him push her up against the marker board and grind into her ass from behind.
She turned around and walked to the front of her desk, and stood there leaning against it, watching him write. He was all man, and she wanted him bad, the more she looked at him, the more the desire pooled between her legs. She sat on her desk, one leg crossed over the other, and the minute her leg moved, she watched Rick’s eyes follow them. She smiled to herself, it seems she was having just as great an effect on him as he was on her. If only she could give into it, into all of this sexual tension they had going on between them. She needed some kind of friction between her legs, and she wanted that friction to come from a man named Richard Castle.
Rick was trying hard to focus on his writing, but the woman in front of him was torturing him. He could already feel his jeans tighten up a little from when his mind had wandered while staring at her rear. He knew it would be quite a noticeable situation the minute he got up from his seat. And he couldn’t even help it. To make matters worse, she shifted slightly on the table, and a pen from her table fell off.
“Woops” she said, and got off to pick it up. This was it, the minute she bent forward, Rick’s eyes followed.
And he saw the most beautiful pair of breasts, snug securely in black lace under her top. “Fuck” he whispered to himself.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” she asked him when she rose back up and kept the pen away
“No, I didn’t”
Kate nodded. “You have 5 minutes more”
He nodded and continued writing.
Kate was pleased. She had got just the right reaction from him as she had expected. The guy wanted her, she was sure, and that did wonderful things to her insides.
In the past two years of teaching, Kate had seen many guys checking her out, many of them wanted her, but there were none that she’d ever felt anything back for. There were all boys, immature and wanna-bes. With Richard Castle, it was different, she desperately wanted him, and there was nothing she could do about it, and to add to it all, he was all man, his looks, his physique, his voice his wit and charm, all of it.
She walked on over closer to his desk, and stood behind him, a little to the side, watching him write. But she couldn’t bring her mind to focus on his words, the close contact had allowed her to get a good whiff of his cologne, and she had to hold on to something to stop herself from falling. Just in time, he put his pen down, and turned around to smile at her
“I’m done” he said.
Kate reached out to take his sheet of paper off the table, and in doing so, she hadn’t realized just how close to him she’d gotten, but she felt his ear brush against the side of her breast, and she gasped quietly at the contact. He must have felt it too, cause she saw him touch his ear for just one sec, and then his hand was back down on his lap. And as she pretended to be checking if he had written as she required, she was suddenly distracted by a tent in his jeans. She bit down on her lip. This was getting bad, real bad, for both of them.
“You can leave Mr. Castle, I shall review this tonight and give it back to you tomorrow”
“So, I’ll meet you after class tomorrow, same place same time?” he said with his bag hanging on his shoulder, and a hint of a tease in his eyes
“It’s a date” she played along.
He moved to walk out and she followed him, to turn at her desk but then he turned back around to her with such suddenness that she almost walked into him. They were standing about 3 inches apart from each other, none willing to take a step back, perfectly glad with the proximity.
“I will be working on a tricky scene in my book this evening, if you’re not doing anything, can I text you if I need some help” he asked.
Kate couldn’t believe how wound up she felt having him this close to her. At this distance, she realized just how perfect he was, he was just about 2-3 inches taller than her, and this was with her heels on... She wondered what it would be like without them, and the rest of their clothing. ‘Focus Kate’
“Sure thing. But why would you need any help from me, from what I can see on your assignment, you’re quite a writer”
He smiled and said “You’re the woman with experience, I think I have a lot to learn from you prof. Beckett”
She was sure he meant more than just literature. “I’d be happy to teach you” she said. Her eyes quickly stole a glance at his lips and back up to his eyes.
“Can’t wait” he said, and then slowly stepped back and walked out leaving Kate weak at the knees and craving release.

Kate had just opened the door to her apartment with great difficulty as she had her hands full with grocery bags, when she heard her phone beep. It was a message. She looked at the clock on her kitchen wall, it was 8pm. She was tired, and really needed a nice soak in the tub. And so she grabbed her phone, and her new bottle of red wine and her current read, and went on into her room.
It didn’t take long until she had set up the bath and filled her glass and settled herself inside.  She took a sip of her wine, let it swivel on her tongue a little, and swallowed, allowing the warm liquid to soothe her throat and every tensed nerve in her. She laid her head back on the head rest of the tub and closed her eyes. The first image that came to her head was a student. Not just any student. Particularly, a very ruggedly handsome young man. That’s when she remembered, he said he’d be working on his book tonight. She quickly reached for her phone, and saw that there was a message from him.
“Hi  prof. Beckett, Richard here, what you doing? Free to help me write this scene?”
 She pondered telling him about what she was really doing, she knew it was probably what he’d like to hear, and so she went with her instincts, the wine helping her muster up the courage.
“Rick, hi, I just got back home, soaking in my hot tub with a glass of red wine, but yea, this is the only time you’ll get my attention. After this, I’m off to read my novel and then to bed.”
Rick’s eyes widened when he saw the text, and a grin came onto his face. She just told him she was in her tub, naked, sipping on wine. He was suddenly super confident about texting her, and even more encouraged to do what he’d been planning on doing all day.  He couldn’t help but wonder, whether her intentions and his were going to blend well tonight.
“That’s great to know. I always imagined teachers to be the ‘uptight, let’s get down to business’ kind of people, you’re different, I like your carefree attitude”
“Why thank you Rick, but this is a daily ritual for me. You’re lucky I’ve agreed to help you out during my ‘me’ time”
“I truly am lucky” he replied, the image of her beautiful body in all its naked glory in a bathtub, texting him was doing brilliant things to him and his member in his pyjamas.
“Now, this scene, what is it about, and what do you need my help with”
“Prof. Beckett, feel free to tell me if you don’t want to entertain my literary needs, but I’m currently working on a love scene between my lead duo, and I’m kind of stuck with what my female lead character really wants”
Beckett read the text and bit down on her lip, the man was so subtle and so bold, she loved it.
“Why would you think I would know about your character’s sexual needs” she teased him
“I hate to say this, but this means you haven’t gone through my character sketch yet, have you?” he said to her
Kate smiled. She hadn’t done it yet, she had planned on checking it tomorrow during the break
“You caught me red handed.” She sent to him
“Well, my female lead character is a lot like you, her traits, her great looks, her bossy attitude. She’s hot and she knows it, and she settles for nothing less than she deserves”
“Yup, that does sound like me”
“Exactly. So, think you could help me?” he asked.

Chapter 5- link here- http://caskettastic.livejournal.com/3461.html

fiction, caskett, livejournal, beckett, smut, nc-17, castle

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