
May 01, 2005 15:44

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

These questions asked by The_Niblack

1. What are you really looking for?
If I knew the answer to that I would know everything, wouldn't I? Enlightenment? Contentment? A really nice bouncy ball? In all honesty, I'm not really sure, and it is something that I've been thinking about recently. I think I'm looking for fullfillment and challenge, and where I find that right now is my bass.

2. Have you become disillusioned about the bass?
NO. Emphatically not. This may be the first time in my life that I have not been disillusioned about my bass and music and it is one of the most exciting things in the world. I still don't practice...which I need to figure out, but I love my instrument, I love what I'm learning, I love when I play well, I love playing random scales in thirds and humming excerpts to myself.

3. What are the three most fundamental truths for you about people?
1. People are fundamentally good, if messed up. (this is historically true for me, but I'm not entirely sure about this any longer. I recently read a quote that I really like: "Our hearts are not pure; our hearts are filled with need and greed as much as with love and grace, and we wrestle with our hearts all the time. The wrestling is who we are. How we wrestle is who we are. What we want to be is never what we are. Not yet. Maybe the s why we have these relentless engines in our chest, driving us forward toward what we might be")
2. Friendship is fragile.
3. People should be forgiven and revenge is stupid. But being pissed is fine.

4. What are your three favorite flowers and why?
Gerber dasies of any color-because they epitomize who I used to be
Orange roses-because they are cooler than yellow or red roses and I fell in love with them at my aunt and uncle's wedding
Sunflowers- because they are massive and beautiful, and my mother made this soft sculpture of one when she was in high school and I found it in the basement in 1996 and fell in love with it, it is still up on the wall in my room at home.

5. When did we get over eachother and just decide to be friends?
Gah- I dunno, why did we fight in the first place? I know I really wanted to see you when I came home from Interlochen the first time, and I know that the biggest part of our feud was at the begining of freshman year. Wait, and the penny thing was in SYSO, so that was sophomore year at least. Probably junior year? Once we were both doing our own thing? Once I found my bass and you started really seriously rowing perhaps? Once we grew up a little? What is really weird is how close of friends we became afterwards.
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